Chapter 16- I can't

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*a few weeks later*

Normal POV

"Come on Morgan get the will power" Crowley said

"No Crowley I'm tired ok and I am sick of it I need a break" I sighed getting upset

"Ok ok I will come back tomorrow" he smiled

"When will the boys be back?" I asked

"Not long I promise" he said leaving

I sat on the sofa and everything just started to get to me which resulted in tears I began sobbing into my hands

"Sam she was totally into you and all you can say is-" I heard deans voice while I was still sobbing into my hands

"Hey" Dean said rushing over to me

"I'll go back out with Bobby give you guys time" Sam smiled leaving

"Right what's the matter" he asked me crouching in front of me

"It's not important" I cried

"It is important if you're crying over it now come on tell me" he said wiping my tears

"All this training and getting ready for this war is just too much Dean like I feel like the whole world is relying on me to save it which to be honest Dean it isn't fair I never have time anymore like me and you haven't spent a day together properly since you were back from hell and it's just not fair I just want to have one night without all of this pressure and I get it I need to be ready but seriously Dean everything from the demon blood to the training with Crowley every day isn't fair because Sam is ready and I'm not Dean and I just need time with my husband again and I'm just scared" I broke down in sobs and threw myself into his arms

"Hey hey shhh" he said rubbing my back

"Right look the world doesn't know about this so they aren't relying on you and if you needed a break from it and wanted to spend the night with me all you had to do was say I was thinking the same thing anyway baby and if Crawley is going to hard on you tell me and I will tell him babe. And don't be scared I'm here and you will always be safe when I'm here ok?" He smiled at me kissing me

"Thank you I needed that" I smiled wiping my tears

"Now tonight how about a night off? No training no nothing I will kick Sam and Bobby out for the night with Cas and me and you can text Sam to bring us back take out and we can just be normal for a night ok? No demons,no tears, no demon blood, just a normal human night" he smiled

"Yeah sure" I smiled back at him

"You go take a shower and I will text Sam baby" he kissed my forehead

Dean POV

I got my phone out and text Sam

'Hey Sammy would you mind bringing me and Morgan back a pizza or something and you and Bobby and Cas going out for the night she got herself a bit worked up and I just want her to be away from it for the night?'

I got a reply

'Yeah sure no problem! Will go get it now and Bobby will go to the motel and Cas will bring me to get my stuff'


This was nice it was the first night in forever we had by ourselves

"Thank you Dean" she smiled when she was lying with her head on my lap

"For what?" I replied playing with her hair

"For always taking care of me and being there" she smiled

"What else am I here for huh?" I said bringing her lips to mine and kissing her "you know I will always be here when you need me" I smiled

"Oh I almost forgot" I said getting up quickly "me and Sam went to pick this up today we got bobby's friend to do it we forgot because of everything going on" I said handing her the book

She opened it and I saw a tear fall from her eye

"Our wedding photos" she smiled

"Yeah see I arranged to get them made for you before I went to hell so I forgot about it with everything going on" I smiled kissing her temple

"Thank you" she said kissing me

"Hey Dean?" She said

"Yeah?" I replied taking a sip of my beer

"You know if this whole thing with yellow eyes ends badly and I don't urm make-"

"Don't" I said

"We are all going to be just fine after all of this ok you're strong and you've handled it better than anyone I've ever seen you are going to be better than ok you hear me?"

She nodded

"We're ok now"


Normal POV

My stomach hurt again and this wasn't good I heard what Cas said but I don't think I could bring myself to do it but I need to tell Dean but how is he going to take it he would blame himself and be tormented with guilt...

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