Chapter 37- Hate

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*2 weeks later*

Dean POV

It was 11pm Morgan was asleep on my chest I was wide awake


"Baby baby wake up" I shook her and she shot up she couldn't breathe

"Breathe baby breathe it's ok you're safe shhh it was just a dream" I hugged her

"I'm scared" she sobbed

"You don't need to be scared anymore baby" I told her

"DEAN" I heard Sam shout worryingly from downstairs he must have stayed from earlier

Me and Morgan both rushed downstairs Morgan got Mary then I saw the face I was ready to punch

"You are really really fucking brave to be showing up here Crawley!" I saw the fear in Morgan's face I snapped out of it and took her face in my hands

"Baby go upstairs take Mary with you and call Cas" I told her and she nodded and went upstairs

I heard the door shut that's when I started to fire in and threw a punch at him and kept going and going until he disappeared

"Right can we talk now" he asked

"You came to the wrong fucking person Crawley you took my wife to hell you tortured her turn her into a demon make her turn her emotions off and she gets back and I find out you raped her over and over!" I shouted at him

"Dean look I get it you're pissed"

"Crawley pissed isn't the word she can't sleep without a nightmare she's breaking Crawley and its your fault!" I shouted

"Look ok I am sorry I guess"

"You guess Crawley! I have had to deal with panic attacks,fear,dammit Crawley I found cuts on her arms last night!" I shouted I blurted it out I didn't mean it

"What?" Sam asked

"Never mind talk later"

"Right Dean look can you just calm down now"

"I'll go up and check on Morgan" Sam said and I nodded

"DEAN" Sam shouted

"What?!" Sam came running down

"Dean she's taking a full on meltdown she needs you Cas has took Mary to Jess" I ran upstairs leaving Sam to keep an eye on Crawley she was sitting on the floor holding her head and sobbing

"Baby hey hey" I said to her

"Dean I see it, it won't stop he's gonna do it again" she sobbed

"No no no he's not I am not gonna let him touch you. You hear me?"

She nods and I take her on my knee rocking her back and forth causing her to sleep eventually I carry her downstairs and lay her down on the sofa and put a blanket over her

"Aww" Crawley sniggered

"Don't you even make a remark kitchen now" all of us went into the kitchen

"You better talk fast before she wakes up because I can't deal with helping her through that again" I said

"Ok I just wanted your help with hunting down these few really strong vampires they want my head on a stick"

"hmm.. Tough problems you got going" I laughed


"No Crawley you have turned my life upside down!" I yell

"If you help me with these vampires I can make her nightmares go away" he said

"How can I trust you?"

"You can't but I am telling the truth and lets face it what do you have to lose?"

"You better make them nightmares disappear if we come with you I swear to god" and he nods

"Right you stay here I need to go speak to Morgan"

I went through and she was wide awake again

"Before you say anything I'm coming"

"Baby I don't know if that's a good idea"

"Dean please I'll feel 100x worse here without you please I won't even come in if you don't want me to just don't leave me please" she sobbed

"Okay okay" I said taking her hand "here" I said handing her the sword

"You are letting me come?"

"You stay beside me at ALL times and do not leave my sight deal?" I said

"Deal" she smiled I kissed her

"Right Crawley lets go"

"Sam Jess ok to watch the kids?" I asked as him and Crawley walked through

"Yeah she's good" Sam smiled Crawley walked out

"Hey sweetheart" he said to Morgan

"Don't even talk to her you sit in the back of the car with Sam and keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you" I snapped

"Right" he replied

We all got in the car I handed Morgan her burger she didn't eat earlier

"You need to eat can't have you collapsing when we are in there" I smiled at her I took her hand and she began eating

"Seriously could this be anymore awkward" Crawley says after we had been driving for about 30 minutes

"I can't believe I'm doing this but Morgan I'm sorry" he said

"Crawley I don't know if you know this but you can't rape someone and tell them you're sorry" I stated

"I'm sorry anyway ok"

"Dean it's ok" Morgan said taking my hand

"We're here" I said pulling up

"Right Crawley roughly how many?"

"About 10"


"Sorry" Crawley said

"Right lets go and do this Morgan baby are you sure about this"

"There's 10 Dean you need me to do this" she stated and I nodded

We all walked in

"Stay behind me" I said to Morgan she nodded


"That went better than I thought" Crawley laughed

"Now Crawley your end of the bargain"


"Dean what is going on" she asked

"He's gonna make your nightmares go away baby" I told her kissing her forehead

Crawley clicked his fingers

"Done" he said "see you boys"

"Sammy you wanna drive" I asked him he nodded and I threw him they keys me and Morgan went in the back Morgan lay her head on my knee and Sam started driving I played with her hair me and Sam were talking then I heard light snores

"She ok?" Sam asked

"Yeah seems like it" I smiled

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