Chapter 22

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*The next morning*

"I'm so sorry Fortis. It's my fault that you landed in such a predicament. I shouldn't have applied so much force behind that kick," Falice said apologetically.

"It was a fight Falice. Injuries are inevitable. You don't hold back in the face of your enemy."

I was startled by my own answer. It sounded like something Zander would say.

She nodded with a bright smile. "That answer made me even surer that I want us to be friends."

"Thanks I guess," I smiled back.

She sure was straightforward. It was not a bad thing too.

"Fortis, you'll pair up with me today. I need to teach you some grappling techniques," Zander instructed when he walked over to us.

"No Zander, you have enough monitoring work to do on your plate. Maybe I can help with that," Ducan proposed from out of nowhere.

I watched as he stepped out from behind a man who looked like he could put most men to shame with his towering figure.

"It's alright. Monitoring is not much work after all," Zander waved dismissively.

"I'm just trying to help, Zander."

"Since when were you so helpful?" Zander raised a brow.

"It's rude to not accept someone's kindness," Ducan pointed out.

I looked between the two of them awkwardly. What's there to bicker about? Falice seemed to sense the tension collecting in the atmosphere too, for she intercepted.

"Why don't you guys do the monitoring together? I can teach Fortis the grappling techniques. It'll be easier since we're both girls," Falice jumped to the rescue.

"Yeah. Falice can teach me the techniques," I agreed immediately.

Recently, things between me and the two guys have been awkward and grapplings would mean more awkwardness since it equates to closer proximity.

"Okay," Zander agreed.

"Are you sure? Because I..." Ducan started, only to be half-dragged away by Zander.

I laughed. Why didn't I realize this before? Those two could make a comedy pair.

"Those two seemed to have the hots for you," Falice remarked.

I swung to look at her, my eyes almost bulging out of its socket.

Ducan said he was, but Zander? No freaking way.

"You are overthinking," I waved my hand about, swatting her words off like flies.

"It was just what I thought."

"Yup, just a thought!" I laughed nervously and she eyed me suspiciously.

"When you fainted, you were carried away straightaway,"

"By who? Dr Ray?" I asked.

"No, you don't know?" her brows shot up.

"Well, I was unconscious."

"By Ducan," Falice answered to my surprise.

Ducan was the one? But how?

"I thought he wasn't there?" I recalled.

"Oh, he came right afterwards. He scooped you up like a princess and yelled for someone to get the doctor."

I bit my bottom lip as an imagination of the scene popped up in my mind. I shook my head to clear it. No matter how I see it, it's just plain weird. I'm just glad that the kick took me out completely. I can't imagine being awake when it happened. Then again, I won't be carried if I was not knocked unconscious.

Just the Start. (The Clovers series: Book 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat