Surprised Visit

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** One fine day...

Your class ended earlier today, there are no plans for any other thing. You thought of visiting them at their training, to bring their favorite donut. You first call their manager, Mr Jo to get permission if you can go there, Manager Jo told you that they are supposed to finished their training early today and allow you to come only if you bring his favorite Americano. Agree to that but also asked Manager Jo to keep it as a secret. You want to surprise the boys with you visit. After buying all the food you want for them and not to forget the Americano for Manager Jo, you happily drove to the destination.

*At the company..

After parked the car, again calling Manager Jo to inform that you are here and the Manager Jo said they had just completed their dance training and he will wait for you at the door.
Thinking of you to make a surprise visit on them makes you smile cheerfully. Even though you are actually close with them to think about it, when they were surprised and smiling at the sight of you, make you happy.

Reached the door of their rehearsal room, Manager Jo was waiting for you, and smiling at you.

"You happy to see me or your Americano?" you said half whisper to Manager Jo.

"Both" Manager Jo said as he opened the door and help you to bring the goods you hold.

When you enter the training room it's empty. No one is there, a bit surprised you looked at Manager Jo in puzzled

"Where are they?" you asked.

"In their vocal room" Manager Jo said as he put the goods on the table.

"Kids come out, there's a delivery for you. Angel Delivery" he said knock the vocal room door.

"Yes hyung?" Hyuk come out from the room.

"Ah!! Nuna!!" he ran toward you and give you a big hug make you almost fell backward.

"Hyukie~~ yyah!" you said surprised but luckily someone were behind you and save you from falling.

"Yyah~~ maknae" Taekwoon is behind you, luckily he managed to grab hold of your waist. He still holds you in hug, while others come out of the vocal room.

You still in Taekwoon arms, not knowing what to do. Then you realize, there is a hand that helps you to stand up again.

"Dear.. err.. Jaehwan oppa, thank you" you said startled.

"Taekwoon oppa, thanks for your help also" you said pretending to ward off the dust from your clothes awkwardly, avoiding the gaze of both Jaehwan and Taekwoon.

"What did i say, about not to running around Hyukie~yyah!!" Hakyeon sudden yelled make the youngest stand up straight in position he always do when at fault.

"I'm sorry" with his slow voice, scared being scolded and not dare to looked up, keep staring at the floor.

"Hyuk... you should listen well to your hyungs, alright know lets settle down. Licca brought your favorite donut" Manager Jo take control on the situation before it get worse.

With silence they all had gathered around the table, Hakyeon who had cool down then went to get the youngest and bring him together to join the others.

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