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One week passed after the check up and you supposed to have another appointment for the result, don't want to go alone you asked Hanuel to come with you. Not that Jaehwan can't spare his time to accompany you but his busy schedule was your excuse, assured him everything is fine and Hanuel will go with you.

He have to leave early for his musical rehearsal, a shooting on variety programme and his radio later.

"Boo you don't have to wake up this early.." he said from behind give you a back hug.

"It's alright... not gonna let you leave without breakfast.." you said turned to face him.

"Even only with this simple plain toast but made with love" you added with a quick kiss.

"Too short" he then kiss you again, taking the plate, put in on the table and hold your waist to get more closer. Few moments later he let go.

"I'm sorry... lately I've been very busy, don't really have the time for you and Jaehan" he lean his head on your shoulder hug you tightly.

"It's alright love.. no need for the sorry.. we understand.. it's your work.. if not I can't go shopping and Jaehan can't ask for more toys.. now stop being so clingy and take your breakfast or you gonna get late" you let go.

"Seriously... for shopping and more toys?" he take the seat looking at you with his grumpy face, act childish towards your comment.

You just smile as a reply, looking at him taking his breakfast. Both of you stay silent for a moment but then you remember the article you saw yesterday.

"I know I shouldn't think this way but..." you hesitate to continue.

"Why?" Jaehwan look at you curious.

"I don't really like the way Bianca act around you... all giddy and flirty... she know you are married but I think co-workers is just an excuse for her to get near you..."

"All this while after working with many other actresses... only now you get jelly?" he said smirking.

"Not jealous love... but people should know there's a certain limit for everything or everyone"

"I know my limit... and the trust you had in me would never be broken.. our family is my priority.. she is just another junior to me.."

"You going to office today, after your appointment? he added and change the subject not to worries you.

"Maybe not.. why?" you let the issue aside.

"Can you pick me up later... we have different schedule and it's on a different way, the maknae lines no one dare to drive but the eldery also have different times for their schedule. Poor manager hyung had to rush going back and forth between us"

"Alright" short answer from you.

He finished his breakfast, quick kiss on your lips and he rush out from the house.


"See everything is alright and infact it's a great news" Hanuel hug you.

"Overthinking is the problem, being his uncle caught me off guard. Everything's gonna be good, take care of your health... more now" Uncle Ian hug you too.

"I'm so embarrassed right now the fact that I overwhelm by past... like.. this is not the first time... sorry to make you both worried" you smile shyly looking at them.

Bit more talk before you and Hanuel leave. After sending Hanuel back to her shop, you going straight to fetch Jaehwan.

It's a little bit early but you want to see Jaehwan rehearsal, after calling Manager Jo and ask if you can come over also telling him you will fetch Jaehwan and drive him to his next schedule. Manager Jo reply gladly and thankful for that. You decide to stop at the cafe to buy some snack for his fellow worker and the staff.

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