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"Hongbin... please.." Bianca plead.

"What's the point? Do you think I'm fool enough to fall for that act for the second time? My family get involved this time and I'm not gonna stay sit looking you ruined Licca life"

"I thought you were the wisest person, I can get help.."

"Help for what?! Get things more worse than this? Licca is battling for her life and her child life!! For god sake Bianca, I never want to have the thought that you're not worse than just wanting Jaehwan hyung attention but this is just too much.. he saved your life endangered his own and you, with you poker face taking the chances out of this situation and hurt Licca?! Your big mistake was to think that you only hurt her but you actually have the hate from all of us for that!!"

"I'm not the one who caused the accident!!! I know he save my life and to that I want to help!! I'm not at fault for what happened Hongbin... please just stop pushing me.. it's already hard to face the haters..." Bianca break in tears.

"It's not me... ask Sungjin... he..." she didn't continue her words.

"Don't tried to bring others into this... why would you do something that hurt people, don't you get tired?"

"I know what I do is not right and continue that act it's just something that I do to protect my ego and I know that's silly but this time.. I swear, I have nothing to do with this accident it's coincidentally and I really... very sorry for what happened"

"It's because you never stop and.."

"Hongbin please listen to me.. ask Sunjin who is Minseok. I don't know the details but I know he is the reason this is all happening, I've seen they meet secretly few times before" Bianca wiped the tears on her cheek, take a deep breath and look at Hongbin.

"At the shooting I overheard Minseok on the phone saying something like he will end this all for once for everyone happiness. I've tried to tell Jaehwan but accidentally I slip and Jaehwan happen to be beside me and he helped me"

"Wow Bianca you should be a writer now, interesting story you got here, I've wasted my time just to hear you're prologues. Tell me when you released the movie" Hongbin get up and leave Bianca immediately in disbelief that he really meet up with her just to hear the nonsense.

"I'm not at fault.." Bianca stares blankly at Hongbin back leaving her.


"Sungjin!! You tell them what happened!! Who is Minseok!!" Bianca barge into the meeting room.

"Ms Bianca... how can I help you?" Audrey who was sitting next to Sunjin, taking down the minutes meeting seems startled but manage to calm herself. Looking at the other staff and Sungjin for their reaction. All in silent waiting for the next words from Bianca.

"Tell them I'm innocent!! This is not my fault!! Just because of the past, I've been dragged this far and accused" Bianca act totally out of control.

"Ms Bianca... we having a meeting here.. perhaps you can came with me.." Audrey get up and walking towards Bianca but abruptly stop when again Bianca shouting looks at her furiously.

"I'm not talking to you young lady, I'm talking to the man behind you. He the one who can't let go of Licca now the opportunity come to drag me into this and I become the VICTIM!!"

"Bianca!!" Sungjing immediately get up and rushing out from the meeting room with Bianca. Soon after the meeting room begin to become quit havoc with the staff wishper, as usual start to create their own gossip.

"Don't jump into conclusions with what you just heard, you don't know anything besides it's Ms Licca personal issue" Audrey gives stern look as a warning to the others. Immediately the whispers tone down and they just looking at each other colleagues.


"Lucky for you I only announced that at you office... if you didn't make it clear of all this mess, I will make a press conference, you think I don't dare and don't you know my connection with the press?!"

"Stop all this craziness Bianca.. I don't know what you talking about" Sungjin still manage to talk calmly despite the tantrums Bianca just show.

"Now you call me crazy and being all innocent to all these drama, you know what i'm talking about. I know you knew who is Minsoek.. want me to tell Hakyeon that you might be behind all this?"

Moment later a security guard come with Bianca manager.

"Bianca... please let's just go.. stop all this" the manager looking at Sungjin feels guilty for what Bianca just caused.

"Mr Park.. i'm really sorry but please know, she being like this because all is pointing at her... she might like the attention but not to
the extent that can danger someone" the manager spoke.

"Don't you dare!! I'm not that insane..
seeking attention from this!!" she slap her manager our of anger.

For a second the office filled with silence.

"Oppa... sorry..." Bianca went near his manager and hugged him.

"Let's calm down... all will have it's solution... it's alright..." he pats Bianca back to calm
her down.

"I'm sorry again for all this.. I'll bring her out now..." he added loooking at Sungjin and Audrey.

"It's all right... please call me if you need any help but much appreciate if this won't be happen" Sunjin pats the manager shoulder.

"Let's go Bianca.." he nods at Sungjin and lead the way out from the office with Bianca.

Bianca suddenly stop and turn back to look at Sungjin.

"Sungjin... please..." she wait for an answer looking straight at Sungjin.

Nothing else he can do, looking at her pitifully is the only thing he done. He divert his gaze at the manager, a silent sign for him to take her out. The manager nodded and silently take the way out with Bianca.

Left Audrey and Sungjin at the office, silent in few seconds before Audrey decide to break it.

"'s personal but I really hope it's not true.."

"Audrey... it's not like what.."

"I don't want to think it's true.. but if it's..." she can't finished her sentence, he left Sungjin there. Alone.

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