Double Trouble

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Days passes and finally Jaehwan is coming back. Update you get from them was Jaehwan is fine. Physically fine but maybe due to some impact he got when he falls down and somehow hit his head he don't remember what's happening but also he refused to talk, with the staff member he still answers now and then but not as much as they would know the talkative Ken.

"He would be fine... as long as he sees you, he might just worried about you.. knowing that he had make you worried about him" Hanuel said as she squeezed lightly you hand.

All of the members including Hanuel and Sungjin were with you at the airport waiting and to welcome Jaehwan back. You come only 10 minutes early from the expected arrival and been here only minutes ago but the waiting feels like ages.

Finally the announcement were made, the flight had landed and to avoid the reporters outside all of you been advised to just wait at the waiting room. Minutes passed but again it feels really long for them to arrived at the waiting room, as you took a glance from the big window you saw Bianca with him, holding hand, tightly. You try to brush the bad feeling off you mind and just thinking about Jaehwan is looking fine and healthy that he come back and it's all good and that's what you need the most.

The door open from outside and you can see Jaehwan with Bianca at the back and with the other crew. Not a second wasted you run to him and hug him.

"Dear... thank good you alright, I miss you.." you cup his face and light kiss on his lips before hugging him back.

But Jaehwan didn't give any reaction, not even a single words from him. He look at the other members and then look at Bianca, who still standing right next to him as he was her's and the looks really shows on her face. Luckily her manager come and after short greetings, he left with Bianca. The other crew also left the waiting room together with Manager Jo, and as you heard earlier that they will have a meeting regards this incident. The waiting room now only occupied with the members, Sungjin and Hanuel.

Still waiting for Jaehwan reaction but next thing he do was take your hand off him and went to the other members. They shared the hug worried brush off from their face as they sees Jaehwan is fine.

"What happen? We were really worried and Licca too.." Hakyeon said as he make Jaehwan to turn and face you.

"What is she doing here?" the sound of his voice is cold and the look in his eyes shows he really uncomfortable with you there.

"Hyung... seriously.. you really hit you head that hard and don't remember... anything... seriously?!" Wonshik ask repeatedly not believing the situation as he walk towards you, his left arms wrap around you shoulder and his right hand holding your hand together walking towards Jaehwan.

"Kim Wonshik... I've made it clear there's nothing between us anymore, and why is he here too?!" the sudden rage from Jaehwan shocked everyone in the room.

You can't say anything besides crying look at him.

"Ken... what's wrong with you?" Sungjin looking very confused.

"What's wrong with all of you, Cha Hakyeon.. I know you cherish your cousin so much but you know she cheating on me where's your consciences?!" his word to Hakyeon really hurt you but he doesn't seems to care and walk towards the door but Taekwoon stop him.

He don't understand the situation right now, he doesn't understand what everyone talking about, he doesn't remember what happened. You tell yourself, tried to be positive even if it's hurt.

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