Follow the Flow

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It's been awhile since you last seen the boys. The boys obviously busy with their promotion and broadcast schedule. You trying to keep yourself busy with your classes, friends and practically everything just to avoid from thinking about your problems.

The preparation for going abroad, was taken care by your mom, everything is going well as planned. She didn't ask much about your decision to going aboard with the excuse of furthering your study because she always believe, that you know what best for yourself. Now left only one thing, which is for you to let the boys know especially Jaehwan.

Your phone rang, snap you back to the reality, not answering the phone but just staring at the caller id, it's show 'Nagging Hakyeon' You hesitate for a while before answering the phone.

"Oppa..." you finally answered the phone.

"Why took you so long to answer the call" Hakyeon said, suiting his caller id, he nagging straight from the start.

"I'm good, how are you?" you reply to his question.

"Did i call at a wrong time" Hakyeon voice soften a bit.

"Proper greetings after a long time should be good isn't?"

"Sorry... anyway where are you?"

"I'm at the mart..." you then realize, you were suppose to do groceries shopping but your minds linger about other things that make you forget about it and just go around the mart pushing the empty cart.

"Is it that mart near our neighborhood?"

"Yes.. I going to get some groceries..... but wait, what is it with all those questions?

"Groceries right? Double the amount, the kids is staying at home tonight and do you need help?" Hakyeon ignore your question just like usual.

"See you at home baby girl" He added then cut the line.

"Lucky that you are my cousin!!" you said angrily to the phone, literally to the phone make the ajummah next to you give you a weird look and you can just smile akwardly before leaving.

You start your groceries shopping, looking around for what you need. Not long after, a hug from behind make you startled and you turn your back to see a male with big fedora and big square glasses, you let a sigh of relief realizing it's was Jaehwan and he is smiling at you.

"Seriously I can die from a heart attacked" you said giving a light smack on his shoulder.

"Miss me?" Jaehwan then give a kiss on your forehead.

"Yaahh... what if someone see you?"

"Let them see us" he said that and start to push the cart.

"You not coming?" he said looking back at you for a few seconds.

"Oh.. ya...coming" you said and rush to him.

After going around the mart to get what you need with Jaehwan help and keep in mind that you need big amount of it considering the boys are big eater, you then heading to the cashier counter and after paying everything, you out from the mart where Jaehwan is ready outside waiting beside the car.

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