With Hakyeon..

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** Few days after...

Waking up by the loud knock on the door also a loud noise outside your room, still half asleep you getting down from the bed and towards the door. As soon as you open the door Hakyeon stand there looking at you.

"What am i gonna do with you sleepyhead. Go wash up and out for breakfast, I'll be at the kitchen..." Hakyeon said then turned to go back to the kitchen.

Still standing there with your eyes closed not moving an inch. Thought that he already left you to the kitchen.

"Faster!!" Hakyeon yelled and flick your forehead make your eyes wide, fully awake.

"Want me to help you instead?" he added.

"Okay... alright, I'll be out in a minute grandma" you turned and headed to the bathroom.

Hakyeon make sure you're went into the bathroom before headed to the kitchen.

* Kitchen

"Good morning grandma" you said to Hakyeon taking your seat at the dining counter.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Hakyeon reply mocking you.

"Why do you have to wake up so early and bothered to waking me up also, I've told you I don't have any classes to attend for this whole week" your said in annoyed.

"Because I love you" he said as he hand you the plate.

He prepared toast and scrambled egg for breakfast.

"I want sunny side up" you said to him.

"Just eat, don't be too choosy" he then hand you a glass of milk.

"I want orange juice" you again complaining.

"Licca, don't be such a whining baby. You are the one should preparing  the breakfast not me" he said, then took his seat in front of you.

"It's because I love you oppa, and after this you will not have time for me anymore. You will be busy with your debut and other things as an artist and I'm sure you will miss me acting like this" you said smiling at him.

He just smile at you words and both of you enjoyed the breakfast without much talking.

* Living room

"What are we going to do today?" you said lying on the couch.

"For god sake Licca, you just finish ate breakfast if you just lying down like that you will get indigestion" he said and push you to get up and he sit next to you.

"For god sake Cha Hakyeon, there's a lot of empty couch go and get your own space" you said and you pushed him aside.

"Yyah!! Lee Jaehui!! Isn't it rude, calling me like that" he said and hit your forehead.

"Ouch!! I'm just joking and it's Licca Lee. Not much people know my full name" you said rubbing your forehead.

"I'm your cousin stupid" he then once again hit your forehead.

"Alright I'm sorry oppa" now you looking at him with puppy face to get pity.

"Your aegyo, not gonna work on me this time" he then tried to hit again but he stop when his phone rang.

While Hakyeon on the phone, you busy selecting a movie to watch since both you have nothing to do. Turn on the TV, get the remote and back to the big couch that facing the TV.

"What are we watching?" Hakyeon sit next to you after a while talking on the phone.

"Some old movie..." you answered, then lay down on the couch with your head on his laps.

The story begins, your eyes fixed on the TV screen. Hakyeon caressing your forehead in silence, as if something was bothering him.

"Are you watching?" you asked but eyes still on the TV.

"How is your relationship with Jaehwan?" Hakyeon ask questions with hesitation but in a serious tone of voice.

"We're okay i guess" you reply casually, but suddenly get up and looking at Hakyeon.

"The company didn't know we are together right?" you ask worried.

Hakyeon a bit surprised by your guessing, but somehow he can't bring himself to tell you that infact the call was indeed from the company asking him about you and Jaehwan. But it is between you and Jaehwan. Hakyeon decided to let both of you to sort out this problem, and will only intervene if the situation requires.

"No it's not that, i'm just worried about you. We will not have much time as we used to after this, I mean especially Jaehwan. As an artist especially Idol, we are belong to the company and the fans. There's would be lots of Don't we have to follow, no dating, no girlfriend and we will followed by media 24/7. Anything wrong happen, could lead to scandal" he said length, lies about the company knowing but the truth about the fact of being in public attention.

"Oppa... we talked about this right? Even before I and Jaehwan are together, we both know the fact that we can't be selfish about our relationship. Don't worry I will not do anything that will effect you group.

"Now when you say that, make me like a bad person" he said looking straight to your eyes.

"No oppa, it's not like that. I've been thinking about this as well but I just can't bring myself to talk with Jaehwan. I know this was also one of the 'problem' that we both trying to avoid, like we know by ourself that we will have to go with the flow" you said giving a smile but you know Hakyeon know that you're faking it.

Hakyeon get you closer, give a hug and caress on your back. He knows that you are very outspoken and always said what on your mind, but whenever you in this situation of faking your smile it's must be something that really bothers you that you tend to hold it all by yourself.

"Licca... you know you always have me to talk with" he the pull himself to face you.

"Well I guess this is the beginning of it, but I can't get to think of a sudden endings to this chapter of our story" you said smiling at him.

"Need my help? To talk to him?" Hakyeon said with his concern look on him.

"You will but only after I talk to him and you know that it's not gonna be easy for being my cousin and his future leader" you said and back to lay down on the couch with your head on his laps.

Both of you in silence for the rest of movie time but you not actually watching, tired of thinking about the future your finally fall asleep with Hakyeon laps as your pillow.

Hakyeon was actually not really watching the movie as well, he keeps his hand on your shoulder patting you, as he know whenever something happens that burdened your mind you will take that to sleep. It's not new for him but he sometimes found it weird for you to sleep and to wake up like nothing happened.

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