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He tried to find a way to get to the other side where Licca was but no matter how long the walk, seems there is no end and like he was been passing the same path.

"Noona!! Noona!!" he shouts as loud as he can but no response, no reply and no movement she just stand there looking at him.

Tired, he collapsed on the ground. Few moments sitting there almost gives up.

But he gathered all his energy and get up again.

"Noona... I will go get help, just hang in there!!" he shouts again doesn't care if she hear or not but at least it's make him a bit at ease telling her, he will get help.

Looking around he realised, he still in the dark forest but from far a small sign of light appeared. He follow the path to that light in hope to find someone.

It's a simple cabin with a beautiful small flower garden-like surrounded the cabin but the odd was it's surrounding by a dark forest with a very tall tree.

He knocked on the door but no answer, he waited patiently and knocked for the second time.

The door open, no one there but when he look down, standing there was a very lovely little girl.

"Hi..." he kneeled down to get on the little girl height.

She just look at Hyuk.

"It you parents at home, can I see them?" Hyuk ask again.

She shakes her head and take Hyuk hand but with her small hand she only manage to hold Hyuk pinky and ring fingers. With her small step she urge Hyuk to seat at one of the chairs outside the cabin. Hyuk help her to seat next to him.

"You alone here?" Hyuk again tried to start the conversation.

This time the little girl nodding to his question. She seems hesitate to talk.

"It's okay.. I'm not a bad person, I'm here to asked for some help too.. I'm not sure how I get here but I'm with my sister and we need help" in a slow pace he talks to the little girl, never want to scare her and somehow he feels attached to her.

She look at him and a small smile appeared on her face.

"I know uncle Hyuk is not a bad person" finally she talking.

"You know me?" Hyuk surprise she know his name too.

She just nodded.

"Whose... where your parents?"

"Dad is gone... he don't remember me and mom... mom is very sad... mom is sleeping but she can't wake up" she explains one by one.

"Where's you mom... let's go and wake her up.." Hyuk offer to help.

"You can't... you need to be awake.." what she just said gives Hyuk another surprise.

"But i am awake.. see I'm talking with you" he hold her small hand even though it's confused him more.

"You have to be awake from this nap... tell dad to come and get mom.. there's a bad person he want mom and to take mom away from dad" she said that, suddenly jump off the seat and run to the back of the cabin.

Hyuk bewildered but followed her anyway. He arrived at the back of the cabin but the little girl is nowhere to be seen instead few steps ahead he arrived at a very big mansion but looks very old and dull kinda like abandoned. Looked back the small cabin was not there anymore.

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