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The preperations were almost complete. The wikerdocker was operating at full capacity and the elephenoid was starting to dock. The Eu compacitataor was running smoothly and the nobesielium was engaging normaly. We all got onto the ample gate and we were all covered in the ember balm. A whizzing sound buzzed by my ear as the nol decker alumn started to operate

"Once your in the future," Professor AWESOME yelled over the roar of the machine "You will witness unimaginable horrors, the likes of which we Merpeople have never known!"

I gulped in anticipation.

"Don't worry." Freddy Mcnelson reassured me. "A better world awaits us in the future!"

I gave a hesitant smile.

"ALL RIGHT! We'll give those cockney eyed ***** in the future something to fear!" exclaimed Micheal, cocking his phazon gun in all of his over the top, maverick B-movie glory.

"I-I just hope they have plenty of sea scalpchins in the future." I stammered, trying to sound brave.

Tch. The future. I don't actually believe that there is one, but it's the last choice we have. We're probably doomed.

BABOOM! A terrible boom echoed through the corridor. Neyahhhh!!!

"Oh-oh my god!" Professor AWESOME whimpered!

"But that's impossible!" Micheal cried.

"Mommy I'm scared," a little boy cried, clutching his mother in fear.

"It's ok, Jimmy," the mom tried to reassure her son.

"No No NO!!! The Asblegorph just went to sleep! He's not suppose to come now!"

"It's OK Chryslabum..." Michael tried to reassure me... "It'll be alright, we're already in the time machine, the Asblegorph can't get us no-"

"IT'S NOT ALRIGHT!" I screamed at my brother. "He-He's going to find us and he's going to eat us!"

"Mommy!" the little boy cried.

NEYAHHHHHH!!! The Asblegorgh was getting closer.

The professor began pushing a bunch of buttons in a panicked hurry.

"C'mon c'mon!"

I started to cry. Freddy Mcnelson tried to console me.

"Chrys get a hold of yourself, your the queen for fishchrist sake!"

"I DON'T CARE!" I yelled trembling in an epileptic panic. "I-I don't want to die! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! Not like this..."

NEYAHHHH!!! The Asblegorph roared it's terrible roar and crashed into the room!

"Hey." he said. "What's going on!?"

"Oh! Nothing, nothing..." the professor calmly asserted.

"Hey, so, uh... I just, uh, I just heard like, this weird noise. Is everything cool!?" questioned the gorph.

"No no everything's cool, everything's cool." said the professor, all calmly. "Right everybody?"

"Yeah, yeah, everything's cool here!" everyone responded all nonchalantly.

I couldn't stop crying.

"Are, are you sure? Cuz' I just got this weird feeling." remarked the terrible Asblegorph.

"Oh come on... What! No. Th-that's silly. Don't let things like that worry you your terribleness." said the professor.

"A-Alright." the Asblegorph replied with a curious look on its wretched face.

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