Chapter 5 Decorations

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"Y'see lass, werewolves have long since plagued this land! And it is our duty as werewolf hunters to try and stop them!" Joe continued "C'mere"

We headed to the "decorations" that I saw earlier.

"Y'see this?" asked Joe.

"Y-yes!?" I said, maybe he thinks mermaids can't see.

"Ah the M1 Garand. This one's a beut. We use guns like these to put the loafa's into their graves. Just one shot with a silvery bullet is all it takes!"


"Yes, silver! Y'know... The 47th element in the periodic table, Ag?"

Periodic table?

"Well, anyways, all it takes is one silver bullet threw the beast's heart, once that happens, he drops dead!"

Joe took me to yet another room. "But silver is expensive," he continued. "So we of the Bonimoxtrius clan have to run a little side business, the Bonimoxtrius hobby Emporium!"

Joe opened a door and brought me to a huge room with tons of weird things. I've never seen anything like it before in my life! My eyes light up with curiosity and amazement.

"As you can see here, this place is a shop were we let people explore any possible hobby on the planet! We've got guns, and we've got drones, and we've got all kinds of balls for all kinds of sports! There are boardgames, and card games, and arts and crafts, and things for the computer whiz! Just about any hobby you can think of on this planet is here in this store, and it's quite the successful business venture!"

"W-wow!" I beamed. There certainty isn't anything like this in the ocean!

"Young lady, in order to earn your keep here, you'll be working at this hobby emporium until we can train you into a proper werewolf hunter! You will have a lot of responsibilities here. You'll have to move inventory and keep everything orderly and neat! You'll have to check for expired goods and clean the restroom and the drinking fountain, (preferably not in that order). Also you will have to serve retail as well. I hope you can man all those stations on your own!"

"I-I think that I can," I replied nervously.

"Great! There aren't a lot of us working here, but we like to provide a more personal experience at Bonimoxtrius Emporiums! That's why we've stayed in business so long!" he said back to me.

"But of course for a queen doing all this grunt work might seem a little demeaning, but stick with it for a while and you will see that this is actually quite fulfilling work." Joe said with a wink.

I blushed softly. This man... He certainty is weird... He's just so, enthusiastic for someone his age...

"Well miss, uh, what did you say your last name was again?"

"I-I don't have a last name!" I stammered.

"Ho... Well... That's Ok. Don't let it worry ya none child. If you want, then feel free to use the Bonimoxtrius name as your own, after all, we're all children under god's green earth!"

What? What the heck is this "god?" Does he mean bubblegod? That doesn't make any sense, why can't he just say it right!?

"O-Ok. Thank you." I replied.

:"It's still the wee hours of the morning m'dear, and the shop aint open yet." Joe continued. "In a few hours, the store will open, we won't put you to work until your properly accustomed with your new environment! But before any of that can happen, and, uhm, I don't mean to be rude here, but that, uhm, lovely attire that you have adorned on your back, isn't, say, appropriate in our culture..."

My attire?.. I knew it! I bet I must look like a total dork right now.

"If ya don't mind dear..." Joe stammered on, "but we surface dwellers wear clothes made out of cotton. If you want to do anything in this world, you'll need the proper clothing! We don't exactly have spares, so you'll just have to share clothes with Auburn, my third youngest grandnephew."

"Oh... Ok." Gee I hope Auburn's cool with this.

"Now, I want to take you to the school you'll be going to. But first you'll need the proper clothing. Go fetch Auburn and we'll find you some clothes to wear!"

"Oh, ok." I faintly put back.

"She'd be the one with the dark red hair and the pugnacious smile, don't worry none love, she may seem like a, difficult, girl at first, but once 'ya get to know her she can be quite the charma!"

I nodded hesitantly.

"As for me? Well, I'm gonna go debrief the family on the new status quo! Let's meet up soon!"

Joe took me back into the house where we found our way back to the living room, I located Auburn, the sly looking girl with a perpetual scowl on her face, and I told her what her grandfather had informed me.

"Is grandpa saying I'm fat!?" Auburn asked bluntly.

Auburn's not a nice person.

"Hmph. Fine whatever." she said, rolling her eyes and sulking along.

We navigated to her room where she plucked out a set of clothing.

"Put this on." she snapped, "and don't get any barbecue stains on it!"

Auburn's shirt fit me awkwardly. Auburns skinnier than I am, but she's also taller than I am., the shirt was pretty small for her, and it fit me just, very weirdly.

"Alright! I haven't worn these in a while! Here!" she said, tossing me a dilapidated pair of underwear.

"You can wear these too." she handed me a pair of torn jeans that looked like they had seen much abuse.

"These socks will fit you."

I had never seen socks before. I rubbed them with my fingers, they certainly were weird to look at. I didn't want to look dumb in front of Auburn, but I had no idea how I was suppose to put them on. I fidgeted one of the booties around, and I noticed a hole. I lifted my leg up and awkwardly slid the foot mitten over my piglets. It felt super weird. I stared at my foot for a while, confused. I'm not really used to these feet. They're funny, almost like dumb hands on your legs. I took the other sock and slid it on my other foot, I hope that I put the socks on the right foot. I peeked back at Auburn. She didn't seem to be paying any attention to me. I blushed and looked back at my feet, now covered with the socks. I smiled softly. I've never felt this uncomfortable before in my life. I wish someone would just invent, like, a list on how you were suppose to put these things on!

Auburn gave out a sigh and left the room. I guess that was my cue to leave too. I couldn't stop blushing, I could tell that she didn't care much for me.

"Alright lass!" cried Joe, triumphantly. "We have a game plan! We need to register you fer your new school! While there, you can explore the facilities and become accustomed to your new surroundins'!"

I wasn't particularly thrilled to go to school, but the plan for invading the future had been derailed so much already. I'm just going to go with the flow on this one...

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