Chryslabum Alone

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William chased Chryslabum all the way to Eva's hole, which she had just climbed out of.

"HEY! NEW SERF!" Eva screamed.

"EVA!!!!" Chryslabum screamed back. Eva jumped into the horse costume and threw Tobias all the way with Mathews.


"I NEED A HEALING STICK!" Chrys screamed.

"You ate them all, remember?"


"I can't say no to you, new serf!"

"HEY!" Mathews screamed, catching up to the two "I can't hold onto this! I need to go back to my knight!"

"Oh, please?" Chryslabum asked, "Just until we get to the castle? We need to see the Mystical Magical healer to come heal our friend!"

"The Mystical Magical healer girl?" Mathews asked, "She can't heal your friend!"


Suddenly William caught up to them, "I'VE GOT YOU NOW!" he screamed, firing his chainsaw gun, and hitting Chryslabum right in the back. Chryslabum fell out of the horsey costume and rolled all the way out into the woods, completely out of sight.

"NEW SERF!" Eva screamed, "NOOOOOO!!!!!"

Chryslabum continued to tumble down into the woods, rolling down a hill. Her blood left a trail behind her as she rolled.

"Ouchies-... That was-.... A jerk move..... Bleh" Chryslabum blacked out. She was sat all up into the dirt like a foo' lookin' like a foo' wearing dorky serf spandex, and she stayed like dat all the way until it was all the way up in bean night time if you know what I mean ;)

"Huh wut?" Chryslabum asked, looking all confused. She felt a throbbing pain in her chest and she clutched the afflicted area. She felt a warm sticky goo, and when she looked at her hand she saw that it was covered in blood.

"Ouchies!" Chrys cried, "UhohuhohOUCHIES!" she began to panic, and she ran around everyplace, screaming "ouchies," and "uhoh," all the time until she ran into a tree.

"OUCHIES!!!!!!!!!!" Chrys screamed again, failing onto the floor and having a mini seizure.

"Well, this is it, I'm carrion now." Chryslabum said, staring into the moon. She saw three birdies circling around her, but then she just realized that they were cartoon birdies that were circling her because she was all dizzy.

"Well, at least I made a couple of hawt frinds on my journey. That's all that matters in the end, right?" Chryslabum clutched her gunshot wound again, then she felt, near it, a hard, stone-like structure lodged in her chest.

"Oh yeah, that's right. This hard, stone-like structure lodged in my chest reminds me of that one time."

Chryslabum began to fade out and suddenly she was in a flashblack. Way back when, Chryslabum didn't even have no stone-like structure lodged in her chest, but just fat in her chest because all she did was eat sea scalpchins all day (not that there's anything wrong with that. Let me specify right here and now that the joke isn't that Chryslabum is fat, but just that she eats a lot.)

"OMNOMNOM!" Chryslabum said as she munched on some sea scalpchins, also she was underwater, and also this is still a flashback, just in case you're secretly a goldfish in which case HI GOLDFISH IT'S SO AWESOME THAT YOU LEARNED HOW TO READ! "Aw man, these sea scalpchins are so good! Do you want some underwater bestie Freddy Mcnelson?"

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