Chapter 16 It's Been Forever

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"Ok class, today we're going to observe what happens when you mix acids with bases!"

I let out a bored yawn. It feels like forever since I've been back here, even though it's only my second day.

"Hey!" Tobias whispered to me, "You weren't out at the halls today?"

"Nah... I had to write up a 1000 page dissertation, that took up most of the period."

"Wow! Really! What kind of class do you have in first period?"

Actually I really don't know... "Eheheh... These classes are pretty weird huh?"

"Yeah, well, this is a weird town. We've got all kinds of crazies popping up around here!"

"Ehhhhhh! Things here in... America, are quite bizarre I think..."

"Yeah, actually, this place is really not like most American cities and stuff. You never know what to expect here!"

"What! Really!" Hm... This whole time I thought that things on the surface were just weird!

"Yeah, like, recently, we've had a whole lot of disappearances! It's actually kind of creepy!"

"O-oh yeah!"

"Yep! Most of the disappearances are reported usually during days where their is a full moon. A lot of people joke that it's werewolves... but I don't really know about any of that though..."

I smiled nervously at him.

Brrrnnggg! Off to our next class!

"So, how long have you lived here Tobias?" I asked as we walked to Art class.

"Not very long, actually, my family moves around a lot because my dad is the owner of a very big company, so I never really have time to talk to people or make friends and stuff!"

"Oh! Really!"

"Yeah, well, we've actually been here for like, almost a year though... There's a project that my dad's really excited to work on here..."

"Hmmm... That's cool, so I guess you come from a lot of money, I guess..."

"Yeah... I guess..." Tobias stared forward, I don't know why, but he seemed upset...

"Hey! Well aren't we a pair, the queen and the rich boy!"

"The queen?"

"Y-yeah... Of my house.... I guess I'm the de facto ruler of my - old household... Because everyone's dead!"

"Heh heh... You know, for someone with such a grim past you certainly are... cheery..."

"Yeah, well, eventually you get used to that kind of stuff..."


Gobble gobble gobble gobble! Schworlp! Gobble gobble munch gobble....

"Ummm! Yum! Hey! New kid! What's up! Why are you so quiet?"

"Hmmm... I'm just not really used to things here yet..."

"Oh, well, don't worry about stupid things like that! Just have fun!"

Gobble gobble gobble gobble!

"Hey, Eva, how come you never really hang out with anyone?"


"I always see you sitting alone and stuff, you just don't seem like the loner type..."

"Hmmm! Oh silly new kid! I have lots of friends! They just don't go to this school!"

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