The Adventures of Serf Chryslabum Part 2!

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When we last left our brave heroines, they were off on their way towards the castle, but little did they know, they were being stalked by the nefarious Bad Wolf gang!

"Alright!" said Chryslabum, "Now we're off on our way to an adventure! Yah!"

"Yah!" cheered Eva.

"Woo." Auburn said, with all the grace of an annoyed teenager going on a rickety old swing. The trio tried putting on their horsey costume, but they found it wouldn't fit three people!

"Oh no!" Chryslabum cried, "It's only big enough to fit two people! Now what do we do?"

"You guys could just wear it without me." Auburn said, "I don't want to be caught under that stupid thing anyways."

"We can't just go out there wearing a costume while you're just bumbling around without one!" Chryslabum cried.

"We'll just look ridiculous" said Eva.

"Yep. I-It's got to be all of us. We've all got to be in horse theme. It's all of us, or none with this one- this project. That's just how it works."

"Yep. All or nothing."

"Alright, fine then," Auburn said, "You guys can put on the horse costume, and I'll just ride on top of you."

"WOAH!" said Chrys, "Why you have to take it there Auburn? Why you got to make this thing all sorts of freaky all of the sudden?"

"I'm ashamed." added Eva.

"Very ashamed." said Chrys, "That you'd even suggest it is just-... That's just disgraceful."

"Completely disgraceful. I can't believe you- I can't believe you'd even say it!"

"I mean, it's ok if you just think it, but to say it out loud."

"No. Not even thinking it. It's just all wrong, every time."

"I think it's ok to think it."

"No. No no. New serf, honey, just- just no."

Auburn sighed, "Are we going or not?"

"Yeah," Chryslabum said, "Let's go." So once more the girls headed out to the castle, this time without aid of their horse outfit, but while traveling the fairgrounds they once more ran into the pack of Orks!

"Oh geez." Eva complained, "Looks like it's time for more random encounters."

"It's ok!" Chryslabum said, "This time, we have Auburn here to help! And also, I've got training! We've got this!"

The battle started and Chryslabum pressed the fite button. There were two Orks in the battle this time, and Chryslabum started by whacking one with her plastic sword.

"Ow! Hey!" cried the Ork.

"Yeah, you don't like that do you!?" Chryslabum declared confidently.

"Ah! I'm going to get you for that!" said the Ork. He narrowed his focus at the girls, "Hey, weren't you the ones that shot Chad? AH HECK NAW!"

Both of the Orks pulled out guns and started firing at the trio.

"FISH JESUS CHRIST!" declared Chryslabum. The three had to flee the battle. They quickly found refuge behind a bush while the Orks began searching for them. They stayed there, completely exhausted and out of breath.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?" Chryslabum asked.

"So, what? Are they just all going to have guns?" asked Auburn.

"Ohoho geez. This is going to be more fun than I thought!" declared Eva. She popped open her gun to check how much ammo she had, "Aw, what? Only five bullets?"

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