Chapter 8 Honestly, Father Can Be So Stubborn!

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"Well... I guess you'll be staying here with us for a while-enw..." said the mother. "Honestly, father can be so stubborn!"

"Well, is there anything you want to know? Anything you need, anything you want to eat or, drink, or what?"

I wanted to ask if they had any sea scalpchins, but I was shy.

"Uhm...." I felt really nervous talking to this woman. "Th-the other night..."

I paused

"What, uhm, how does the whole werewolf hunting thing actually work?"

The mother sighed. "Look, uh... Didn't... Uhm... Didn't father already tell you everything?" She slumped down into a sofa.

"O-ok." I said softly. I don't know if she heard me.

"W-what" I started, hesitantly. I gulped and felt my mouth get dry. "W-what... do I call you?"


"What may I call you Miss..."

"What do you call me? Psh... Uhm... Just, call me... whatever you like."

"Ok... Uhm, what's your... uhm... May I call you Mrs. Bonimoxtrius?"

She shrugged her shoulders in compliance. I guess I'll just call her that.

I remember the other night that the minigorphs-the werewolves, were telling me about everything that they had here.

"Uhm... What's the G-bomb?"


"What's uhm... Godzilla?"

"Oh that?" the mom smiled a little. "That's just a movie."

"A movie?" the only movies I've ever really seen are maverick B-movies.

"Yeah." she replied. "Do... you... want to watch?"

What you mean right here? Aren't we suppose to go to a giant theater for that? I nodded and she went to a giant black frame. She seemed to configure some doodads next to it. Suddenly, the giant black frames started to beam up some pictures! The frame said the letters "dvd" on it, then it switched to a black and white video image of what appeared to be... A giant lizard? There were words next to the lizard that said such things as "play movie," "scene selection," and "extras" Mrs. Bonimoxtrius picked up a confusing looking black bar and touched it, causing the picture to freeze momentarily, then the screen went black. Then the letters "FBI" showed up with a lot of words that were too many to read appeared. Next, a weird sequence of pictures that I couldn't possibly comprehend started filling up the screen, and then...


For the next hour and a half I was treated to a feast for the eyes featuring a giant mutant lizard monster terrorizing the Japanese coast and beyond. I saw a story about people, frightened people, who were befallen by a terrible force. It was a story about love and personal sacrifice. A story about the dangers of weapons, and how extreme power should be treated delicately.

It was just like home.

I can't believe that such a terror could even be imagined in the world of the surface. I thought that things here were calm, but that calmness must have come from great sacrifice. It was horrifying, and saddening to watch, but still...

"I liked that movie."


"Oh! Uh... Nothing... I was just saying that it was a good movie... heh..."

"Oh yeah? Well I'm glad that you liked it..." she smiled warmly.

"Do... you... wanna watch the next one?" she asked with a faint hint of excitement in her voice.

"Oh! Uhm... may I... please?"

"All right. But I will warn you, some of the sequels can get a bit... wonky..."

"Oh... Alright..."

I guess that suffering is universal, for merpeople, and merland- people. But still, it was just a movie. I shouldn't really feel so... icky about it. Not like at home.

She turned on the next movie, "Godzilla Raids Again."

"I'm going to go make you some popcorn." Mrs. Bonimoxtrious said.

I'm not really sure what "popcorn" is, but I've only heard good things. I cannot wait to try it.

The father came down, "Psh... Should you be letting her watch those movies?" he asked.

"It's fine, she'll have a hard day tomorrow adjusting to her new life, so I thought it would be nice to give her a little break before then-enw." Mrs. Bonimoxtrious replied.

The father didn't seem very amused. He shuffled on over to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a swirly brown bread paste yum!, and went on his way.

"It's ok." Mrs. Bonimoxtrious told me. "My father may be a strange man, but he is also nice and very wise. I trust you on his behalf!"

"Oh... thank you..."

"Here you go... try some popcorn!" she said offering me a bowl.

"Ok... Do I eat it?"

"Heh. Yes, you're suppose to eat it." she said, looking mildly annoyed.

"Y'know, you're lucky that you were picked up by us. If you had run up to any other family with that story, we would have thrown you out, but this family's seen plenty of weird stuff in our time!"

"Though, your story is still a bit hard to believe..." she continued "Especially the part about a group of monsters leading you here-enw!"

"Hehe... Yeah, I know. I don't really know how much of it really happened either. I had this really bizarre dream last night, and I'm starting to think I just dreamed up the monsters." I replied. "But still..."

I touched the keylapse that was now a part of my body. It wasn't that warm anymore, but still, something bothered me. When I felt it in the past, it felt very... strange... Almost ethereal. That makes no sense. But now at least it feels like a giant rock.

"It's ok... If you don't really believe me. I never really believed that there were merpeople on the land anyways so... I understand."

"Uhm... about that... we people on the land, are, different than, uhm, mermaids. We have to stay up here for one..."

"Merlands are different than merpeople?" I felt confused, we all seem exactly the same, except, one spends it's time in the water and the other spends it's time on land.

"Yeah pretty much," she replied, "it would probably be for the better if you didn't go around blabbing about all this mermaid stuff!"

"Ah... Ok."

I was really enjoying all the movies. I'm not really sure if Godzilla's supposed to be a good guy, or a bad guy, but he's funny for a 50+ foot death lizard.

I turned to Mrs. Bonimoxtrious, she looked really distant.

"I feel tired." she said staring all blank-eyed.

"Hehe... Don't talk about your feelings." I said, it made me feel confused.

"I'm going to bed. It's bed time." Mrs. Bonimoxtrious said in monotone.

She shuffled up off to her room. I didn't really want to watch the movies without her, plus I didn't know how to operate the machine, so I just sat around all confused.


What was that? I-I know that call! It was a minigor- I mean, a WEREWOLF!

"Hello dear."

I turned my head slowly and saw the horrid beast that stared back.

"What's up?"

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