The Adventures of Serf Chryslabum Part 4!

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"HEY! NEW SERF!" screamed Eva, as she tossed Chryslabum a ball.

"Yay!" said Chrys, as she caught the ball and threw it back to Eva.

"CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP?" Auburn screamed.

"WE'RE PLAYING BALL!" Chrys screamed.

"Yeah! We're playing ball!" Eva huffed, "Just because you're an emo doesn't mean you can ruin our fun!" Eva stuck her tongue out at Auburn, who just sighed.

"Whatever, we're here anyways."

The trio had finally returned to the noble's manor, and there were no more Orks for them to fite.

"Alright!" Chrys said, "We need a plan! How are we going to invade the noble's manor and save my bestie, Tobias?"

"Your second bestie, you mean?" Eva pointed out, "Clearly I'm your first bestie now!"

"Well, hmm... Yeah... You can be my girl bestie, and Tobias can be my boy bestie!"

"Do we even have to save him?"

"THE PLAN!" Auburn screamed, "Just-... Tell us the plan so we can get on to the next beat of this story."

"Alright!" Chryslabum shouted, "Who has a good plan?"

"Can't we just shoot them?" asked Eva.

"Hmm.... That's good thinking, but you should probably save your bullets."

"Ok! Do you have a good plan, new serf?"

"No, not really." Chryslabum said with a sigh, "My plans are always pretty terrible."

"Oh, don't say that new serf! Your plans are great!" Eva reassured her.

"Aw, you really think so?"

"Of course I do!"

"Thanks!" Chryslabum gave Eva a quick hug, "Hmm..... Maybe if we ask the merlands reeeeaaalllly nicely-"

Auburn groaned, "Uhhhhh! JUST HURRY UP AND LET'S GO ALREADY!"

"Not so fast!" A random voiced called and all three girls looked towards the direction the voice came from. There were three guys, standing in front of them and looking all cocky.

"We're the bad wolves!" said one of the guys.

"Bad dudes with a bad attitude!"

"And we're here, to stop you!"

Eva pointed her gun at them, "Hm, that's three, and I have three bullets left. Perfect!"

"Woah, woah, woah, I said not so fast!" said one of the boize. He pulled a lever, and Eva fell into a hole.

"NO GURL BESTIE!!!" screamed Chryslabum. She tried to dive into the hole, but it had suddenly disappeared.

"NOW WE GOT YOU BIDDIES RIGHT WERE WE WANT YA!" screamed one of the guys, brandishing a plastic knife. He lunged at Auburn, and Chryslabum quickly stepped in the way to protect her.


"WE'RE A BOSS BATTLE, AND THIS DUEL IS AUTOMATIC!" screamed the guy that tried to stab Auburn, "MY NAME'S WILLIAM!"



The three boize all made a dramatic pose, "AND WE'VE BEEN HIRED TO STOMP YOU SNOBS TO THE GROUND!"

"AUBURN RUN!" Chryslabum screamed, and she fled. Auburn ran in the other direction.

"I-I didn't think that they'd do that...." said Burter.

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