Chapter 14 How Does That Work!?

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"Honestly! Where were you!"

"Oh! I was just walking my new friend home..."


Auburn seemed really annoyed with me.

"Well, just hurry up and put on your work attire."

I went to the bathroom and slipped on my clothes.

"Alright! You're going to man the registers with Nathan! You've met Nathan already right!"

"Oh! Hehe... Yeah... Of course."

Nathan was short and had brown hair.

"While Auntie Missy's gone I'm in charge! You'll do whatever I tell you! You understand!"

"Uhm hmm!"

"Ok... Just wait at the register for any customers..."

I waited at the counter next to Nathan.


"So, uh... How're things goin' for you?" I turned to look at Nathan, "So far... I mean."

"Oh! Heh, yeah... They're cool..."

"Oh... That's cool... That's cool..."


"Is... they're anything you'd like to know?"

"Oh, uhm... No not really..."

"Alright... If you need anything, just tell me..."


"Eh... Do things always go so slow here?"

"Hm... Uh, not really... We usually have a pretty steady stream of customers. I guess since it's still fall no one's really doing anything. These have to be our slowest months."

"Oh. Ok..."

Let's see... This store closes at 8... Doesn't it get dark before 8? Won't they turn into werewolves before the store closes? How does that work!?

"Ahhhhh...." Nathan let out an audible yawn.

I guess this is real lazy kind of work. I buried my head into my elbows.


I stared down into my drink. The sugar swirled around into the center of the coffee as it slowly faded away. If I could look close enough, Then I could start to see my own reflection. I could see the bits of gray, unshaven hair that covered my chin.

"Well Mike... I'll see you later." Caroline waved to me as she stepped out of the door. I smirked at her. I stared back down into my drink and took another sip.

"Another slow day at the office?"

"Yeah... heh..." I never do any work there. I usually just go to CNN and check all the stories, maybe give Reddit a wink or two. I quickly switch my screen to make it look like I'm doing something busy whilst the boss comes by. Back to Reddit.

"Well, I'm headin' out." I told Aaron as I guzzled the rest of my coffee down.

"See you tomorrow."

I tugged at the gray-brown coat that covered my back. I pulled my hat lower down onto my forehead as I trudged along the rugged black road.

"I bet I look awesome right now.." that's what I thought to myself as I found my way across the street.

Heh. I haven't thought about looking awesome since the Mrs. left me. I shifted my gaze to the watch that rested lazily on my wrist. 7:17 pm. I still had some time. I strolled along the sidewalk. Passing by strangers. Cars whizzing past me. I wonder what their story's are? I wonder where life has brought them? To be on this same street that I travel on? Heh. I guess in the end it doesn't matter. We're all just slowly racing to our deaths anyways right? What's another life? What's another drop in the bucket? I turned to the sky. The clouds were getting thick. I stared back into the big purple abyss that encompassed this small globe that we live on.

TimesplosionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora