Chapter 20 Back to the Plot!

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The party raged on for quite some time into the night.

"Tobias what's wrong?" I asked, stuffing a giant piece of pheasant into my face, "Phrwhy phro youph phreem phro phrad?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, it's nothing, it's nothing." He had such a forlorn look on his face. He picked at his food and let out a sigh.

"Dude I should really be getting home soon!" Mathews started.

"Just ask Merideth, she'll take you..."

"I don't know who that is!" Mathews retorted.

"Oh you know..."

I gulped down my food, "Tobias don't be sad, you should be happy that your father has a new acquasition or whatever!"

"Eh, I don't really care." Tobias had a real blank expression on his face.

My attention had officially shifted from eating (A rarity for me!), to seeing what was wrong with Toby!

"Tobias!" I started, "C'mon, let's go for a walk!"

"Where are we going to walk too?"

"It doesn't matter, I just need to work off this duck fat!"

Tobias sighed heavily.

We left the coronation hall and just began walking around. I don't know how, but I am going to make Tobias happy again!

"H-hey!" I shouted, "let's go to the fountain!"

"Which one?" He said, dully.

"I like the one with the, uh....... Fish-people....." I actually have no idea what to call a mermaid in surface lingo.

"You mean the mermaids?"

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah, that!" That's weird that they have the same name for mermaids on the surface.

As we began strolling along I tried to get Tobias to talk to me.

"Hey, so, uh, this mansions pretty neat, huh?"

No response.

"I like your room! It's all nice and quiet...."

No response.

"It must take a long time to finish making huh! The mansion, I mean... Heh heh!"

No response.

"Hey, are you mad at me?"

"Huh! What! No, no."

"Then why won't you talk to me?"

"I just don't feel like talking..."

"Why not?"

"Because... B-because... Jee I don't know! Why do you ask so many questions!?"

"You just seem so upset right now..."

"I'm not upset! Today's just been, kind of... long..."

Tobias has always been kind of secretive and quiet and stuff, but now I'm really starting to feel like he just, doesn't really care!

"It's ok if you're mad. You can tell me..."

"I'm not mad."

"Tobias, aren't we friends? You never tell me anything!"

"So what?"

"You always say that you like me, and that you want to get to know me better and stuff, but, I mean, you're like, just, always so distant.... and stuff..."

Tobias remained quiet.

"You don't have to be distant to me you know? You were my first friend that I made here, and I really want to talk to you and get to know you too... and stuff..."

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