Chapter 12 You Mean Like A Classroom of Science?

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The bell for my next class buzzed thew the air! It's a science class! You mean like a classroom of science? What? I feel awkward to have thought that.

YES! Merpeople are geniuses at science! We know everything and I'm one of the best at science-ing, even though I never study. Yes! It's time to finally prove my usefulness to the story! I stroll along, smugly to my seat. Our teacher this time is a jovial, peppy lady.

"Ok! Today class we're going to talk about glandular mucus! Can anyone tell me about glandular mucus?"

Uhm... How is you telling us what we have to learn and us telling you what we're suppose to not know be teaching?

"Glandular mucus is what happens when a clown fish steals a baby at a three corner drug store and doesn't get his receipt," I said, confidently raising my hand.

"Uhm... No. That's not right. That's not right at all."

I was horror struck at being defeated so easily! Even my super special ultra combo move was useless up here at the surface! I'm a disgrace to my own kind!

"You're new here right? Can someone pair up with the new kid and help her catch up?"

"Ooooooooooooo!!! ME! ME!" said a boy, whom I definitely recognized.

"It looks like we have this class together!" Tobias said.

"Yep..." I replied. "So... uh... I guess I'm not really good at American science... heh, heh..."

"Nah it's the same everywhere."

You're not helping.

"So... uh... what are we suppose to do in this class?"

"Pssssshhh... That's easy! You see that girl." He pointed to a black haired girl in the back of the classroom. "She knows everything, make nice with her, and you pass the class!"

After Tobias taught me how to cheat off of that dorky girl, we went to our next class, which we also coincidentally shared.

"So, uh... What's life like in, uh, Buttland?"

I smiled warmly. "It's actually not that great. There's a terrible monster... A dictator, who's taken control of it. He's very mean, and he's responsible for the death of almost all of my family members."


"Um-hmm. It's true. And the rest of my family members were killed when, uhm, my house was overthrown. I'm the only one left of my family."

"Heh-heh... Y-you're kidding right?"

"Nope. It's all completely true." Well maybe not completely, "but still... It's where I grew up. And it's where I made some of my first friends. No matter what happens, I'll always think of it as my home!"

I stopped. I started to shed a tear.

"A-are you ok..." Tobias asked, very nervously.

"Oh... No, I'm fine." I wiped away the tear, "Heh... sorry about that, I bet that that was more than you we're willing to hear!"

"Wow. That sounds- that sounds awful... I mean just, just really bad. How did you make it out?"

I stopped dead in my tracks.


"You know what, let's just change the subject, so, uh, why did you chose to come to America of all places?"

"Uhmmm... Land of the free, home of the brave?"


I don't know why he thought that was so funny. We had entered the classroom.

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