Chapter 4 Why is it So Briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhttt!!!

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"Ok, whaaaaaat, now I'm really stating to get confused." I was back at the bed in the future. "HOLY BUBBLEGOD! WHY IS IT SO BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHHHHT!!!" The floaty orb that I thought was bright the first time was now replaced with a bigger brighter orb. Looking at it hurt my face. I dimly crawled out of my bed, dazed and confused. Why haven't those minigorphs eaten me yet? Is this a dream, was, was my world a dream? What the flippitybagels is going on?

"Hey." A boy, younger then me, but not by much, said.

"Hi." I said back.

"Uhm... Who... Are you?" the young merland asked.

"I'm, uh, Chryslabum, queen of the merpeople." I said sceptically.

"MMMoooooooooooooommmmmmmmmm!!!!" screamed the boy.

Eventually I was brought before the whole family. I did the best I could to explain to them my story, but just from their faces I knew they were more than confused.

"Get the ****** out of my house!" said who I'm assuming is the patriarch of the house.

"Ok. I-I'm sorry for troubling you fine people." I stammered. I went for the door, but I was stopped dead in my tracks.

"Now whait just a minute there lassy!" A suave, older, bearded gentlemen in a coat and a NICE HAT said to me. He was certainly older then everyone else in the house. "Now I'm not sure what an "Asblegorph" is, or a Miniasblegorph for that matter, and the last time I believed in a story about mermaids, I ended up owing the Animal Planet channel $500, but I see something in you that I haven't seen in a long time... And that's spunk!"




"I like your spunk missy, I don't know if I can believe in your story, but you seem like an honest young woman, and that's all I need to know! You can stay here as long as you like!"

"B-but father!" said the mother.

"I told you not to call me that! I'm Grizzly Fautangious Sebation Evelyn Bonimoxtrious of the impervious Bonimoxtrious clan, adventurer, weather master, and werewolf hunter extraordinaire!"

"Father! We don't know anything about this girl! We surely can't trust a girl who just plopped out of thin air and claims to be a freaking mermaid!" said the mother.

"I told you not to call me that!" said.... We'll just call him Joe, "And besides dear, you know the saying of the Bonimoxtrious clan: "Nothins too outlandish for a Bonimoxtrious to try and smash it!"

"Well, yes, father but, seriously, you can't keep doing this, we almost got robbed blind by the last few people you tried to let stay here!"

"First of all, I told you not to call me that! It's... XXXXXXX... Second of all, the key word there, dear, is almost got robbed blind. Thanks to my patented Fautilicious drop kick, there is no way this family can ever lose our valubles!"

"Thanks to your "Fautilicious Drop Kick" We've been sued more times then a blind heart surgeon in Texas!"

"Ok, you've got to let that one go Missy. And also, this times different, I know we can trust her, just look at those big, pleading eyes, I've bet the poor dears had a right awful time of it."

"But- ah-... Alright fine."

"Heh-ho! Attagirl! Now where was I!?"

"Oh, that's right! Now, I know that we haven't exactly gone off on the right start, but I feel that this family can trust you! Now, if you please, you can stay with us, but you won't be staying for free! You have to work missy! And you have to go to school, just like a normal girl your age. I'm willing to go threw and get all the paperwork done in order for me to become your legal guardian, but if you want to join this family, then you have to join in on the family business! Tis' a family of werewolf hunters! I'm willing to teach you the art of werewolf hunting myself, and as coming from one of the great practitioners of the art you should be quite grateful, but I need your full commitment and dedication to the craft. No half-blasting it here, you got that missy!?"

I raise my hand.


"Uhm... What's a werewolf?"

"Psh! What's a werewolf!?"

I looked nervously at him.

"Hm. I see."

He looked at his family inquisitively.

"Well then come with me."

I followed, uhm, Joe down a long corrider, and as soon as I freaking leave everyone immediately starts talking about me behind my back! While I'm still in earshot of them! What a warm welcome.

"For untold millennium," Joe started. "There have been clans born to fight werewolves, fierce creatures of the night!"

We pasted by a picture. I looked at it, and it slowly started to creep in what it was that I was looking at...

"Uhm.... I-Is that what a werewolf looks like?"

"Why yes!" said Joe, "take a good look dear, these creatures are terrifying horrors of the night!"

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

It was a picture.

Of a minigorph.

Werewolves are Minigorphs!

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