Chapter 9 That Fresh, Absolute Pants-Soiling Terror Taste!

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"Aiiiieeeee!!!" I screamed.

"Eheh-ehehehe eheheheheheheh! I'm going to enjoy eating you!"

"Somebody help me!" I yelled.

"Sorry kid, no ones going to help you now!" the monstrosity bared it's horrible fangs at me in anticipation.

"Joshua!" another monster came crashing down. "What are you doing!?"

"What?" he said slyly, "I was just going to- devouring this little girl." The werewolf began licking its lips.

"I thought we agreed to share her." the other werewolf snarled.

"Yeah, of course- of course... I was just going to rough her up a little, ya know? I was just gonna... just gonna put the fear a god in her first, ya know. Get that fresh, absolute pants-soiling terror taste outta her!"

"Joshua!" the other monster looked very disappointed. "I can't believe you! HEY EVERYONE! JOSHUA'S TRYING TO HOG UP ALL THE PRETTY LITTLE GIRL TREAT!"

A bunch of other werewolves came tumbling along from all directions.

"What no fair!" one of them screamed.

"How become you get to eat all of the weird little girl bits and we don't get some!?" another werewolf belched.

I started crying. "I don't understand... You guys are werewolves!?"

I knew that something was up with these guys, but still I never would've imagined...

I started to crouch down, bawling my eyes out.

"Heheh! Yes we're werewolves!"

"Hunters by day, and hunters by night!"

"It is the curse of the Bonimoxtrius clan! For fighting werewolves for all these years!"

"And now... You will be our prey! LITTLE MERMAID GIRL!!!"

I have never felt more betrayed in my life, and seeing as to how I've witnessed the fall of my own kingdom, that speaks miles!

"W-why..." I sobbed. Bubblegod I'm always crying in this story.

"Now you will be our supper!" one of the mermaids snarled with a frenzied looked on it's faced.

They began to gang up on me. This is the end.

"Eh-hehehe..." I started to laugh threw my tears. This is starting to become my deal.

"W-wait!" one of the behemoths stopped. "Where is father?"

They all looked around, confused.

"H-he still hasn't come back yet?"

I looked up. I'm assuming that Joe was that bearded alphadaddy that I saw the other night.

"No! We must wait for father before we consume the girl!"

"What! But come on! We already waited a whole freaking day to eat her! Why do we have to wait even longer!?"

"No! We must wait for father's instructions!"

All of the werewolves gave an annoyed groan.

"Alright fine! We shall wait for father to return before we devour the mermaid!"

They all crawled back into the corners that they came from. The one that had stopped all the others stayed with me.

"Hey... Sorry about all that... We all kind of jumped the gun on that one."

"M-Mrs. Bonimoxtrius?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's me-enw." she replied.

"Why... Why are you guys... whyyyyy..." I had never been more frightened in my entire life. I thought that this world was a peaceful place, but that was a cruel lie! Now I missed the honest home that I had left!

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