Chapter 3 I Wanted to Hold His Hand

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I was in my new bed when I was dreaming. Duh. Well I certainly haven't been killed yet.

"Hey! You want a possum!"

"I'll take three!" I exclamerized. I don't know what a possum is.

"Hey sugar, why don't you come over here and check out my wares!"

"My wares! My wares! Check out my wares! Get a good fresh look at- at my tasty wares!"

I'm swimming!

"Ah! It feels soo good to be back in the ocean!" said I!

I looked down to see the sand tickling my feet. I was swimming in sand.

"Hey get out of there! That's dangerous dontyaknow?" said Topher the flying pig.

"Help! Help me! I yelled."

"Ya-oh! I go find help vvvvvvv! Dontyaknow?" Topher yaked off.

"I'm drowning!" There was nothing but darkness. The sand filled up my gilllungs and I was suffocating. It sucked you guys!

"H-hey!" A nice looking boy said. "Wow you're here too Chryslabum! I'm so glad I thought I was all alone here!"

"Oh Tobias! How are you!" I've never met this boy before in my life.

"It's soooo dark in here huh. Heh heh heh." Tobias was acting so nervous.

"Y-yeah... Heheh." I don't know why but I was starting to feel nervous too. I clammed up and my palms felt sweaty. If Tobias knew the truth about me, then I don't think he'd like me.

"We could pretty much do whatever we want and no one would see us. Heh." I said, nervously.

"Heheh, yeah probably..." Tobias replied.

He reached out for my hand. I couldn't see him do it, but I felt him. I hesitantly reached out to him. I wanted to hold his hand so badly. I've never met this boy before in my life. We almost met hands, but then my mind raced back to my people.

I can't.

"C-Chryslabum!" he said, with a heartfelt sadness to his voice.

"I-It's ok. I understand." He went on to further say, with a melancholy beat.

"I'm sorry."

"No. You're not."


I woke up. I was back in my bed. Not like, my future minigorph bed, but my actual bed, the one in the world that I though I had lost.

It was all a dream? I felt myself, this is bizarre. I checked my chest, the keylapse was still there. I sighed. What a vivid dream. Oh well, I guess I should just try to completely forget about it! Completely!

"My liege! Can you hear me!" A muffled voice rang threw the ocean.

A familiar voice. The professor. THE PROFESSOR!

"P-professor AWESOME. Is that really you?" I said, hesitantly.

"Lady Chryslabum!" cried the professor. "I mean! Your Bombasticness! Yes! My instantaneous transmissions device worked! Sweet!"

"Professor" I stammered. "What's going on?"

"Yes, I was able to create this device in case we were ever separated. It is a miracle of modern fish science!" cried the professor, in a eureka-esque tune of victory "It is so wonderful to here your delicate voice again my liege! Well status update, we're not licked yet! While it is true that I am currently in the dimension of N'yrehclpt, he who devours the screams of the forgotten, I think I can get out of here! And also, as long as you have the keylapse, I can build another time machine, this time one that won't wake up butt head Asblegorph, but that may take up some time. Tell me, where are you right now?"

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