Chapter 17-

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For what felt like the 5th time in 20 minutes, I tossed my pencil down on my notebook and sighed in defeat. Jackie sat next to me, equally as stumped with our AP English homework that Mr. Finn had assigned us. 

 "How are we supposed to know content from chapter eight when we're still going over chapter 6?" Josie yelled, receiving glares from other students in the library and a loud 'shh!' from the librarian. 

 "He didn't even assign chapter 8 reading yet, did he?" Jackie turned towards me to ask, instead of Josie. Probably because I pay more attention in class than Josie did. It's actually a miracle Josie hadn't failed the class yet, thanks to Jackie and I really. I quickly flipped through my notes from class and saw nothing about starting chapter eight. 

 "Hey guys," I glanced up just as Charlie took the empty seat next to me. He looked like he had just woke up, but he still had his normal, bright smile. "What are you guys working on?" 

"AP English, unfortunately," I muttered, sliding the homework sheet from Mr. Finn over to Charlie. He glanced over it, frowning and then sliding it back. 

 "Hey, I didn't see you in third period today," Another guy came walking up to the table we all were sitting at, setting his books next to Charlie but not sitting down. Charlie looked surprised as the guy leaned in closer. "Are you feeling sick?"

 The guy went to reach out and touch Charlie's forehead but Charlie quickly slapped his hand away.

 "Ryan I'm fine, I just skipped class today," Charlie answered, obviously annoyed with this guy. Ryan, not understanding Charlie's harsh attitude towards him, took the seat next to Charlie and scooter his chair impossibly closer. 

 "Don't make a habit of it, cutie. Athletes can't miss more than five days during a semester if they want to remain on varsity," Ryan reminded Charlie and all Charlie could to was scoff at the guy. 

"You think I don't know that?" Charlie was abnormally short with Ryan, who seemed so interested in Charlie that he just ignored his rudeness. "A friend of mine needed me, she's been going through some things," 

Josie and Jackie shared a glance and I noticed Josie's eye roll, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to notice that or not, but Charlie continued talking. 

"It was Missy actually," Charlie quickly turned my way, as if he was worried I wouldn't be his friend anymore if I knew he was friends with Missy. "We've been friends since 5th grade, honestly she's not nearly as bad once you get to know her," 

Charlie was obviously talking more to me than anyone else around the table. 

"Yeah, that's not going to happen," I mumbled, turning my attention back towards my notebook, "I don't care that you're friends with her Charlie," 

"You don't?" I felt the eight pairs of eyes staring at me and suddenly I was upset that Charlie insisted on having this conversation now. 

 "So did we figure out if we're taking Holly's car of yours, Josie?" I asked, desperately trying to change the conversation. Thankfully Josie and Jackie were more than ready to move on to the next subject. Ryan was still sitting close to Charlie, watching the exchange with amusement all over his face. 

 "Mine, it'll get better gas mileage than Holly's gas guzzler," Josie snickered. 

"Would you girls possibly have room for one more fan?" Ryan blurted out, raising his hand as if we were in class waiting for a teacher to call on him. 

 "Sure Ryan, I don't see why not," Josie said smiling at Ryan who stood up quickly, not able to contain his excitement. Everyone around the table seemed to know Ryan, except for me.  

"I'll see you girls tomorrow then!" Ryan turned to leave but looked over his shoulder at Charlie. "I'll see you around Char," 

 Charlie glared at Ryan who hurried away and his cheeks burned red. Before anyone else could say anything the bell rang for lunch to be over. Jackie sighed and started shoving her books into her backpack. 

 "Another study session wasted,"She growled, standing and slinging her backpack onto her shoulder. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, I've got a lot of studying to do tonight," 

"Bye Jacks," Josie and I called as Jackie waved, already walking away from us. Charlie stood up and walked with us out of the library. 

 "You want to meet at the cafeteria for dinner?" Josie asked, starting to walk left while I went right. 

 "Meet you there!" I called to her while Charlie and I started heading towards the science building. 

 "Sorry about the whole Missy conversation back there," Charlie quickly apologized. "I know you two don't really get along, but she really isn't all that bad. Kent and her were together for a while so she's just having a hard time moving on," 

 The mention of Missy and Kent being together left a sour taste in my mouth and my stomach had a sudden heavy feeling to it. 

 "It's fine Charlie, you don't have to justify being friends with someone," I replied shortly. I didn't want to continue this conversation anymore and if it wasn't weird I would have ran to the science building. 

"You're a good friend," 

"Thanks Sadie, I try to be," Charlie smiled down at me. "I'll see you tomorrow at the game," 

 "See ya," Charlie walked towards the gymnasium and I walked up the stairs, into the science building. 

Hopefully I can stay awake during biology today.

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