Chapter 32- OLD

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The door to the immaculate hospital room we were sitting in slowly opened and in walked Dr. Ernie, the man who had removed the bullet from Kent's calf a couple hours before and bandaged up my broken nose.

"How's he been holding up?" The doctor asked, walking over to the continuously beeping monitors next to Kent's bed. 

I sat next to Kent's bed, holding his hand tightly, scared that if I let go he'd somehow stop breathing. he doctor had made it clear that I was only allowed to stay in the room until Kent's parents arrived. Charlie was in a room two stories below us and we had been notified that he was experiencing a manic episode as well as nearly overdosing on Ambien. Rebecca had been right all along.   

"He's been doing good," I answered the doctor, feeling my eyelids grow heavier by the second. It was four in the morning, we had gotten here just around eleven last night and I hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep. 

Dr. Ernie examined my swollen face, the blood had stopped dripping out of my nose and the pain killers had numbed it almost completely. He assured me I wouldn't need surgery, but for some reason I doubted that. 

 "You should try to get some rest, he'll be alright, I promise," Dr. Ernie said, resting his hand on my shoulder and smiling down at me sweetly. He reminded me of my grandfather. I nodded my head and just as quietly as he had came into the room, Dr. Ernie was leaving. 

 "Do you think he'll wake up soon?" Rebecca asked, entering the room for the third time even though she had been told not to by the nurses. 

 "I hope so," That's all I had been praying for tonight. Before Rebecca or I could say anything else there was a loud knock on the door. The sound actually made Kent stir in the bed, just a little bit though. 

 "Come in," Rebecca answered almost right away. Hoping it would be a doctor, I was shocked to see a middle aged couple standing before us. The woman held a tan clutch in her hands that she was fiddling with nervously and the man, although stoic in the face, seemed worried. 

 "Oh, my poor Kent," The woman cried out and threw herself onto the bed. Were these Kent's parents? He looks nothing like them. "I just can't believe my son did this to you," 

I heard the woman whisper and I realized then who was here to visit Kent. 

Charlie's parents were here to say sorry to Kent and make sure he was alright. Or maybe they came in hopes of talking us out of pressing charges. Either way, Charlie's going away for a long time. 

 "Has he woken up yet?" The tall man turned to me and asked. Now I could see small resemblances of Charlie. He examined my face but looked away fast once he realized I was watching him. Yeah, your son did this.

 "Not yet," I replied coldly, all I wanted was for them to leave. They should be down with their son anyway. The least they could do is wait for Kent to recover a bit. 

 As if on cue, Kent stirred slightly and his eyes cracked open a bit. A soft groan left his lips while he tried to sit up but was still exhausted. 

 "Lay down, don't move too much," I whispered, pushing back on Kent's shoulder gently  so he laid against the bed again. 

 "What's going on?" He mumbled, glancing between everyone in the room until his eyes finally landed back on mine. His eyes were bloodshot and one was almost completely red. Purple, black and blue splotches were forming around his left eye, his jaw and right cheek bone.

 "We're at the hospital. Do you remember anything that happened?" I explained while Charlie's parents rushed around the other side of the bed and crouched down next to Kent. 

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