Chapter 22- OLD VERSION

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"You're not serious, are you?" Kent nearly yelled, staring down at Missy with almost a pained look. I didn't blame him. The dress I had just bought was now hanging in my closet so nothing could happen to it. I had a feeling this night couldn't end well.

 "Obvi, if I went through this trouble," Missy waved her hand at Kent's bed, all decorated, "I'm not joking," 

Charlie sighed loudly and reached over to straighten up my bed. 

 "I already asked Sadie," Kent finally said and I couldn't help but swell with happiness while Missy's face scrunched with anger. Everyone in the room was quiet, Charlie was staring at me while Missy was glaring at Kent and Kent's eyes wouldn't leave mine although the curtains in the middle of the room were making that harder. 

"You what?" Charlie asked, forgetting about my bed and facing Kent again. 

 While Kent squared up with Charlie, looking like he was ready to fight over this, Ryan was suddenly bursting into the room carrying a bouquet of daisies. 

 "Those better not be for Sadie," Missy growled at Ryan who rolled his eyes. 

 "Heck no," He quickly turned to me and continued, "not that you aren't drop dead gorgeous Sadie hun, I'm actually here to ask Kent to the dance," Ryan winked over at Kent who looked as confused as the rest of us and I noticed his face grow a shade darker. 

"You're asking Kent to the dance?" Charlie asked, eyeing the bouquet of flowers and glancing towards Missy then to Kent. 

 "Last I heard he didn't have a date yet," Ryan shrugged and then winked, accompanied with a smirk, at Charlie. "Not jealous, are you?" 

 Charlie rolled his eyes. "Not in the slightest," 

 Ryan glared at him and tossed the flowers he was holding onto Kent's bed. 

 "I really appreciate it and all Ryan but I've kind of already asked Sadie," Kent turned to me and gave me a shrug. 

"And I said yes," I added, making sure to smile at Missy to make her face turn an even darker shade of red than before. Charlie didn't look too happy either. 

 "It's about time then," Ryan said, not bothered by being rejected for the dance. 

"That would have been nice to know earlier," Charlie muttered, standing up straighter and clearing his throat awkwardly. "Well, I'm gonna go," 

 Missy, Ryan, Kent and I watched as Charlie fled from the room, across the hall and into his own dorm room with his door slamming loudly behind him. 

"This is such bullshit," Missy groaned, stomping from the room as well and it seemed like the three of us held our breath until we heard the elevator door close down the hall. 

 "Look sorry you went through the trouble Ryan," Kent said, draping his arm over my shoulder and pulling me into his side. "If Sadie hadn't beat you to it I totally would've gone to the dance with you," 

 Ryan smiled but also rolled his eyes, waving a hand in front of himself. "Don't be silly. I only wanted to ask you to make Charlie jealous, but I think it might be time to move on from that fantasy,"  

"He's not worth it then, Ry," Ryan stepped forward and engulfed me in a tight bear hug. 

 "You're too sweet," Ryan set me back down on my feet and turned to Kent. "Don't screw this one up, got it?" 

 "I don't plan on it," Kent pulled me impossibly closer and planted a kiss on the top of my head. 

"I'll see you guys around," Ryan headed out of our room and towards the elevator, his room was the floor below ours. 

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