Chapter 5-

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Sadie's POV

I woke up by 4:30, knowing that none of the other guys especially Kent wouldn't be up, and took a long and hot shower. I took my sweet time getting ready for the day, since I wasn't able to yesterday and then sat around reading until 5:45 while my hair dried. By 6 Kent was still fast asleep and almost all the other guys in the dorm were too, it was a perfect time to sneak around and play some call of duty in the library. I carefully grabbed my bag and hurried from the dorm.

The library opened at 6 and I was through the doors at 6:10, receiving a strange look from the same lady I saw yesterday. This time her lips were bright red and her white hair was in a ponytail, same scrunchy though. I didn't make eye contact as I continued the way that Kent had showed me yesterday while skipping 2nd period, up the stairs, down the rows, up the spiral stairs and through the door. Being away from everyone else and the fact that not a lot of people even knew this place existed made it my new favorite spot to be.

I figured out how to turn on the Xbox and TV quickly and soon enough was playing a round of Call of Duty online, I could feel myself relaxing with every moment that passed.

"Not too bad for a girl," A deep voice from behind me startled me and I jumped slightly, whipping my head around to see who was here. I relaxed when I saw Charlie with a smile on his face. He seemed to be one of the nicer guys from the dorm, so far.

"Thanks, I guess," I replied, turning my attention back to the screen while Charlie picked up the other controller and took a seat next to me.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to harass you or tease you," He said with a smirk and joined the game I was playing. "I'm just here to kick you ass at black ops,"

"Oh, I'm sure you are," I replied. He really wasn't like the others, I felt myself actually relaxing even when he was with me and I didn't have to worry about some inappropriate comment coming from his mouth at any given time.

"So Sadie, how do you like it here so far?" He asked before the match started.

"To tell you the truth I'm still trying to get used to this place. Teachers are strict, your classes are in different buildings and not to mention I'm dorming with a bunch of jocks," Charlie laughed at my comment.

"You'll get used to it, it just takes time. Don't worry, I promise it'll get better," He said while successfully killing me in the game.

The round ended with me in the lead and Charlie right behind. We started another game and just as the round was starting a short, petite brunette was stomping into the room and standing in front of the TV, hands on hips and a scowl on her pretty face. Charlie groaned and leaned back into the couch, his controller resting on his leg now, obviously upset by the appearance of this girl.

For a moment I couldn't help but feel hurt at the fact another girl knew where this hide out was.

"What the hell do you want?" Charlie sneered in the darkest voice I had heard out of him. I didn't even know this sweet guy had the ability to sound so mean. Moments before he was smiling and having a good time, now he was clearly upset.

"I'm here to see Kent, he hasn't been answering my calls. Where is he?" She demanded, glaring down at Charlie. I doubt she had even noticed I was there. Maybe I should try to slip out before a fight breaks out.

"He doesn't want to see you, run along and go sleep with some freshman. You're good at that remember?" That was pretty harsh for Charlie to say but no one could deny there was history between these two. And not good history either.

"Oh trust me, I remember just fine," The girl said smiling and evil smile to Charlie and then turning her head to look at me. "So you must be Sadie, the girl everyone is talking about,"

I could sense a hint of sarcasm and possibly jealousy that she was trying to disguise with a sweet voice.

"Yeah, I'm Sadie," I glanced at Charlie, hoping maybe he could help me out but his head was in both of his hands and he was rubbing his temples and shaking his head. I guess something really terribly must have happened between these two if this was his reaction.

"I feel like I'm meeting a celebrity or something with how much people have been talking about you. I'm Missy," She sat down beside me and smiled, a real smile this time. "I can't imagine what you're having to go through living with all those guys,"

"Oh, it's really not a big deal honestly," I muttered, not liking the direct eye contact she was burning through me and looking down at my hands that still held the controller. It made me uncomfortable to know that this girl already knew who I was because of people talking. I didn't realize it was just a big issue, but then again a girl living in an all guys dorm in high school must be a big deal.

"You're so adorable, you know that? I bet those guys flirt with you non stop, huh?" She said standing up suddenly. "I hope I see you around soon, it would be fun to get to know each other,"

She turned away from me and headed to the door before turning back around to face us again.

"Charlie, tell Kent I'm looking for him," She said with a glare again, her whole attitude from when she had just been talking with me changing.

"No, and don't come back up here, you're not allowed up here," Charlie snapped but Missy only smirked at him.

"No one tells me where I'm allowed to be, honey," Then she vanished. Not really, she just skipped down the hall super-fast and was gone within moments.

I was happy she was gone and I didn't even know her but I could immediately feel the tension breaking and Charlie's shoulders noticeable got lighter.

"Who is she and why do you hate her so much?" I asked when I was sure she was gone or at least out of earshot.

"Don't worry about it," the response was short and stiff, Charlie stood up and tossed his controller on the couch next to me. "I've gotta go,"

And then he was gone too.

I relaxed back into the couch and stared at the TV screen, analyzing what had just happened. I wonder what could have happened to make Charlie resent that girl so much. Was it something he had done? Or something she had done to him? It must have been serious for his mood to change instantly and for him to stay upset.

Maybe I'm just overthinking this situation, either way it wasn't my business to be thinking about. 

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