A Contest

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Ello dearies, I assume you know the reference/rules/key, but just in case this is the first fanfic you've ever read (I'd be honored 'u'), I'll do the key



{Y/N}=Your Name
{H/C}=Hair Color
{E/C}=Eye Color
{S/C/T}=Skin Color/Tone
{F/C}=Favorite Color
{G/BF}=Guy Best Friend
{L/BF}=Lady Best Friend

That is the key, I hope you understand it(srsly you should, I described it the best I could lol), NOW READ ONWARD DOLL FACES


{Your P.O.V}

Turning onto your side, you yawned smashing your alarm clock onto the floor. Groaning, you sat up. You were in college, about the age of 21, your birthday was in about a month(I says that bc my birthday IS in a month!!!! October 2nd HUNNY BUNCHES!!!). You sat up, forgetting that you had nothing but your lacey black bra and matching underwear on. You only slept like that bc you found it most comfortable. Your roommate was not fond of it though. It was still summer, but you decided to stay in your dorm for last week of August, Better to always be early, you always told yourself.

Pulling your thin bedsheet up, you grabbed your laptop, and waited for YouTube to load. You didn't get to watch any videos yesterday because you were busy swimming and hanging out at the beach with your friends. Leaning back against the wall in bed, you bit the inside of your cheek and went to Jacksepticeyes channel. You looked at his latest video which was said to be posted 13 hours ago. You scrolled your mouse over to the icon of the video, tapping the pad, causing the video to load.

You pulled it up to full screen and turned the volume down just a little, know that he was extremely loud.

"Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!" Jack shouted doing his daily high five and intro. You smiled and continued watching the video, occasionally yawning. "So today, I have something very special to all of you fangirls out there!" He emphasized fangirls and you leaned a little bit closer into the screen, "So I have decided to do a raffle type of thing. And it's only for girls in America, sorry! But ya know, I don't want you to all go out of your way traveling here," he leaned in closer to the camera, whispering. "I'm visiting Mark." You gasped, biting your lip, "Yes, anyways, so there is a link in the description that will take you to a different page, put in your name and phone number. The winner will be announced at Pax. And basically that's all you have to do." He paused for a second, "And no this is not a scam. But the winner will be brought upon the stage and will be taken out to dinner by the one and only me," he puffed out his chest, laughing a bit.

You quickly exited the video and clicked onto the link. Putting in your name and phone number, you submitted your entry and smacked yourself in the forehead, "Who are you kidding, {Y/N}?" You muttered to yourself, "you're never going to get picked, but now you have to go to Pax, not that I'm complaining.." You rambled on to yourself and pulled yourself out of bed, putting your laptop aside.

You walked over to your stereo and plugged you iPod in, putting VERIDIA 'Mechanical Planet' On. Turning up the volume to 15, you pushed open your closet and pulled out your red flannel as well as your (purposely)ripped black denim skinny jeans. The song ended and changed over to 3OH!3 'Richman'. (Sorry if you hate my music, I like rock, metal, and classic rock lol I'm a bag full of douches)You picked your phone, that was set next to your stereo and swiped the screen, putting in the PIN. You checked you text messages and found a couple texts from {G/BF}. And of course they were some really fucked up Barbie memes.

'Lol you're so wierd' you texted him back and he almost instantly replied, 'Why wouldn't I be? I'm friends with you. I wasn't always so strange ;-;'

You rolled your eyes and tossed your phone onto your bed. Before walking downstairs, you turned your stereo up louder so you could hear it downstairs. Your roommate liked your music, but she never liked it when music was loud, so guess it was a good thing she wasn't back yet.

Pulling out the eggs and pan and butter spray, you rocked out to the next couple Nirvana songs. Finally, you had finished cooking your breakfasts and dug in. You hadn't realized how hungry you were. (I'm basing all the music in this chapter on the music I'm currently listening to)You turned off the stove and put the dished into the dish washer. You looked at your dirty hands and then your eyes traveled up a little to your wrist and the middle of the arm. Instantly, your spirits sank, remembering how terribly depressed you were in Middle School and High School. You looked away, a sorrow filled expression glued to your face.

You jogged back upstairs turning off the music and grabbing your laptop, jogging back downstairs. You ran over to the couch, jumping over the back and landing on the edge, nearly falling off. You pulled up TheRPGMinx's channel and started watching some of her gmod videos. You laughed while watching the electric chair episode. You kept laughing at how they called Minx Brittish Scum.


Some hilarious quotes from that video bc I CANNOT help myself! XD


M: "I'll be the terrorist, Chilled, you be all my victims family at the same time."
M: "Well, whatchya gonna do?" *she dies from being electrocuted*
(Either Dlive or Chilled): "What is the worst state ever?"
M: "..." *she dies*
M: "Mexico!!!"
(Either Dlive or Chilled): "Whoops, finger slipped."

Alright I'm done sorry XD


Your face was red from laughing and you changed to another one of her videos.

About an hour passed before you finally decided that that was enough.

Closing your laptop, you stood up and stretched, still giggling about PewdiePie and Cry. You checked your calendar, noticing that Pax was actually tomorrow and started flipping out, "WHY'D HE MAKE THAT VIDEO JUST YESTERDAY?!" you shouted throwing your phone onto the couch and pulling out your wallet and counting your money. I have enough, you whispered to yourself and checked the clock.

"11:49am" you told yourself and groaned, "What to do..?" You looked around and the your eyes darted back to the laptop. You tried bribing yourself and convincing yourself that you could watch it later and that you had enough for the morning. Biting your lip, you sighed and pulled your laptop onto your lap as you sat back down.


HEY!!!! So I'm on the flight back to NY!!! :D yay, home!!!! I can't wait to see my newvorn kittens!!m thats, right, my cat had kittens. I rlly wanna go to Pax tho ;-; I cri but I'm landing right now, so bye


But It Was Only A Dinner(jacksepticeye×reader fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin