Chp 12: But It Was Only A Dinner...

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Hi :)


"I'm going to bed..." Mark mumbled out and walked up stairs waving, "G'night!"

"Good night," you and Sean said in sync.

Once Marks bedroom door closed Sean turned to you, "That leaves just us..." He smiled.

You blushed slightly, "heh, yeah.."

Squeezing your hand he gave you a kiss.

You creased your eyebrows and pulled back, looking him in the eye. Sean looked you back in the eye, "Something wrong?"

You shake your head, "No.... But-.. Why me? I mean.. We went on one date..."

He squeezed your hand again, "A date. A lot can happen on a date.. Besides like I said last night in the pool, I feel emotionally ok and comfortable with you.."

Biting your lip you looked away, nervously.

Sean put his hand on yours, picking it up an cupping it, "I do love you..."

You looked back to see his longing expression, How am I supposed to say no to him? You asked yourself.

He half smiled, making a crimson creep into your cheeks which made him smile even wider.

Taking one of his hands off of yours, he put it on your cheek, staring directly into your eyes. A minute went by before his expression became sorrowful.

Creasing your eyebrows, you gently put your hand on his while it was now resting on your thigh.

"Is something wrong?" You asked quietly, gently.

Sean sighed, "I have to go back to Ireland..."

You sucked in a gulp of air. You cringed a little, not enough for him to notice though.

Back to Ireland? You thought to yourself.

Taking a deep breath, you looked him in the eye, sternly, "I'm coming with you..."

"I-... I appreciate you wanting to come with me, but-"

"I don't care, I'll quit college, I already went for two years and I already have a degree and such, I'm coming with you," you interrupted him, afraid he'd reject your offer.

He expression became loving once again, "Thank you," he gave you another kiss. He then pulled you into chest and held you.

You were now sitting on his lap, huggling him, your fave burrows into his neck.

He really did care about you and you cared about him.

You heard Mark trod downstairs. His footsteps paused and then he walked back upstairs.

Sean POV

{Y/N} was on my lap, we had been snuggling for a little while on the couch.

My heart skipped a bet every time I thought about how she was going to be living with me back in Ireland. I think she heard my heart beat because I could feel her shift, smiling.

Her chest expanded as she yawned and I blushed, "Are you tired...?"

{Y/N} shook her head, I could tell she was lying.

I chuckled quietly, "Come on... I'll lay with you till you fall asleep."

"Where are you going after I fall asleep?" She mumbled out into my neck, for that's where her head rested.

"Hmm..." I paused, "I was probably going to watch a movie or something, but if you want me to stay with you.."

{Y/N} laughed again quietly, "It's ok.. I was joking."

I smiled and stood up, {Y/N} in my arms, bridle style. I carried her up the stairs and set her down on the bed.

I laid down next to her, my arm rested on her side.

She yawned again, closing her eyes.

I smiled again, watching her as she fell asleep.

I examined her, everything I saw was perfection. Nothing on her looked bad, she was perfect.

{Y/N} shifted slightly, turning on her back. I took my arm off of her, making sure I wasn't bothering her.

Your POV

I had fallen asleep, soundly. My dream... My dream...


This chapter isn't as long as I wanted it to be, but the topic is now out and that's good. But now I have to do my ELA hw so baaiiii •3•

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