Oh Really?

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Omai, I love Jacks new hair ;3; it's beautimus lol well I have nothing to do rn and my homework was way too easy (ho yea, I'm a smart cookie lol[not really]) but I CANT WAIT FOR MARKS HAIR #PINKIPLIER


You swam over the shallow end, sitting on the edge. Sean followed over and leaned against the side, still in the water.

A couple of minutes of awkward silence went by... until (smut? No, not yet. I haven't been badgered at all and I don't think I'd be comfortable writing about pool sex) Sean turned, grabbing your waist, pulling you back into the water with a kiss. You blushed immensely and pulled away. Hating yourself for that decision you had a worried expression set in stone upon your face.

Sean put his forehead against yours and whispered, "Is something wrong?"

Your face might as well have been a tomato, "W-why me? I'm just a weird random girl who just happened to win a contest.." You managed to stutter out.

Pushing himself away a little, he looked down at you with a small smirk, "Oh really? I like you, see, you are someone I feel connected to," he started blush the slightest bit and his smirk faded. You could tell things were about to get a little emotional.

"Like, someone I feel ok with, like I could do anything, say anything, and you wouldn't care at all."

You blushed again, just after a night, the man that you had looked up to and wished you could meet for practically ever, liked you... No, he loved you.

He met your eyes again and pulled you in for another bear hug. You had closed your eyes, burying your face into his chest.

You both stood there for a while, hugging, when the sliding door opened and out walked Mark(iplier), chuckling.

"And who's this, Sean?" Mark asked pointing at you.

Sean let go of you and pulled himself out of the pool, helping you out.


Mark clapped and pointed at you, "The girl at the panel!" He paused for a moment and cleared his throat, "right?"

You snickered, "Yeah..."

Smiling, Mark reached out to shake your hand. You took his hand and was surprised to be pulled into yet another monstrous bear hugs. Grunting, you patted his back. He let go, laughing, and turned back to Sean, "So, uh, what were you two doin in my pool?"

Sean shrugged, "Swimming, {Y/N} tripped on her way inside."

Lifting an eyebrow, Mark responded in a matter of fact type of tone, "You climbed over the fence? You don't remember me telling you there's a spare key under the welcome rug?"

Sean made the poker face, causing you to hold back a laugh.


You let out the small laugh.

Clearing his throat again, Mark picked up your wet clothes by the deep end and your suitcase, "So you're staying here?"

You nodded, "My car got... Uhm... Messed up."

"Ah," he nodded carrying your things inside.

Putting his arm around your waist, Sean pulled you in closer to his side and bent down to whisper into your ear, "Marks a flirt, be careful ok?" Sean stood up straight again and spoke more clearly, "You're sleeping in the guest bed with me, ok?"

You nodded, smiling cutely which made a small blush creep into Sean's cheeks.

You could hear Mark from inside, "Sean, if you think I'm going to try and steal yo girl, you can calm your tits, okay?"

You laughed quietly.

Sean dragged you inside behind him, "You should get into some dry clothes."

Nodding you walked into the guest bedroom that he had shown you to. You closed the door behind you and knelt down next to your suitcase pulling out a cute pair of pajamas. You laughed, unable to wait to see the boys reactions. You pulled on the Markiplier pj shirt and Jacksepticeye pajama bottoms. You closed your suitcase after pulling out your {F/C} brush.

You walked across the hall into the bathroom and brushed your hair. You placed the brush down next to the sink and walked downstairs into the living room where Sean and Mark were on the couch chatting up a storm about today's panel.

Blushing you quickly sat down next to Sean, making room for yourself .

Mark laughed as Sean squealed a fangirlish scree,"You have my merch!!"

You nodded with a corner smile. He gave a hug and complimented you on your Markiplier shirt which made Mark snort.

You yawned and stretched and leaned back into the couch. Sean looked down at you and pulled you into him, so you were resting comfortably on his side.(Don't worry, he changed into dry clothes)You drifted into a deep sleep, with Sean's arm placed lightly on your arm as you slept. You smiled in your sleep, knowing that things from now on would be great.



But It Was Only A Dinner(jacksepticeye×reader fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora