A Lot Of Fun

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So might as well start Chapter 5 while I wait for my wifi to start working again.


Jack threw his arms up in the air and turned, pointing at you, "HA! I told you I could beat you at {LF/G}(<least favorite game)!"

You rolled your eyes, "Only because I hate this game," he chuckled and punched you in the arm playfully, "Don't be such a sore loser, {Y/N}."

You laughed and looked up at him, "Whatever, but I bet you I could beat you in {F/G}(<favorite game)."

"You're on!" He got up and checked the rack of games to see if the game you challenged him to was there. You stretched and the tip of your finger poked someone. You turned around to apologize and saw a crowd of people watching. I hadn't even noticed... You thought to yourself. Looking at the the girl you had accidentally poked, you apologized.

She smiled, accepting your apology, knowing it was only an accident. You turned back around and saw the game you wanted to play on the screen and Jack next to you.

"I call first player," you spoke rapidly before he could say anything.

He grunted, "Fine."

~After a While of Playing Games~

Jack turned off the game controllers while you checked the time.


Wow, I've been here for longer than I thought...

"It's, uh, time to go," Jack said, reaching out his hand to help you up. Grabbing it, you pulled yourself up and smiled nervously.

"So I made reservations at a really nice restaurant, I'm gonna be sorta lonely tonight because there's a party for all the YouTubers tonight and I don't really want to go. So I thought I'd go to a nice restaurant with a new friend," he explained to you.

You nodded, "I understand, I actually have a lot of friends, but they all live in different places so I can't really see them or anything, and I don't have to money to visit them."

He smiled looking over to you, "Me too! Like Marks in LA and Felix is in the UK and they're all just so scattered so I can barely visit them and such."

You both walked out of the building and he showed you to his rented car. Opening the passenger side door, you got in. It was nice, very comfortable. He got in next to you and started the car. What about my car though?

"Oh, hey, what about my car?" You pointed to the car across the street.

"You have your keys, right?"

You nodded.

"We'll come back after dinner to get it then, how's that sound?" He asked, slowly driving out of the lot.

"That's fine," you said quietly, buckling yourself in. He nodded and sped out of the lot, on his way to the nice restaurant.

About 15 minutes later after some awkward conversations about random things, you had arrived.

You got out of the car once it parked and Jack walked up next to you, "This is the place," he looked up at the sign.

You gasped, smiling as big as you could. He had brought you to your favorite restaurant, "I love this place!"

He smiled, "Really? That's good, I wasn't a 100% sure."

You nodded, grabbed his hand, and ran inside. He chuckled and walked up to the lady in the front. They chatted for a bit.

"Alright, right this way, Mr. Mcloughlin," the lady said politely giving a small smile.

You followed close behind Jack, not wanting to lose him in such a crowded place. It's never been like this before.

Jack sat down at the window-side booth. Sitting across from him, you took off your sweater, revealing your {F/C} sheer top. He blushed the smallest bit, but you hadn't noticed.

A brunette waitress walked over and placed down 2 menus, "Hello there, my names Jenny, I'll be serving you tonight. Would you like a couple minutes to decide on what you'd like to drink?"

Sean shook his head, taking the menu, "I'll have a Jack Daniels, please."

"Just a water would be fine," you said politely, sliding the menu over to you.

Jenny nodded, "They'll be here shortly."

"So Ja-"

"Sean," he corrected you. "My names Sean. Why dontcha just call me that?"

"Oh, sorry, Sean. But, uhm..." You tried thinking up a topic to talk about, "How long have you been gaming on YouTube?"

Jack sat up straight in his seat and shrugged, "To be straight with yeh, I don't know."

You chuckled, "Ah, ok."

"So do you have a channel?" He asked, looking out the window.

You shook your head, "No, I don't think I'd be very good at it."

He laughed, "Well, hey! You never know till you try!"

You shrugged, "I know..."

Sean shook his head smiling, "I could help you."

You looked up smiling, "Maybe."

Jenny came back with your drinks on a tray and set them in front of you, "Are you ready to order?"

You both ordered what you wanted and gave her the menus.

~Half and Hour Later~

You and Sean were both laughing at a joke he had told. Jenny came back around, smiling and took the plates, placing the bill in the center of the table. Sean paid and stood up. You got up, still giggling. Sean grabbed your hand, "Well I guess it's time to go."

He pulled you through the crowd and out into the lot. Once he had reached his rental, he let go of your hand.

"Ya know... You're a lot of fun."

You blushed, smiling stupidly, "Thanks."

He laughed and opened his door, getting in.


Wifi still isn't working •_• but I'll post this up as soon as it starts working


HEY ITS WORKING AGAIN, alright I post dis now

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