Fluttering Butterflies

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Ugggghhhhhhhhhh I'm getting made fun of for being bulimic ;////;


You and Sean have been laying there for a while, close together, legs intwined, and arms wrapped around each other.

Sean had fallen asleep. You didn't want to disturb him so you lay still, against him. I'll lay here until he wakes up, I'm comfortable anyways.. You thought to yourself.

Just as you closed your eyes, you heard a door open and close. A quiet knock cam from outside your door, "Come in..." You whispered, eyes still closed.

Mark creaked open the door and smiled as he saw you two snuggling. You opened your eyes the smallest bit, "Hm?"

Mark snapped out of his little trance, "I got pizza, come out when your ready," he whispered quietly enough so he wouldn't wake Sean.

You nodded, closing your eyes again and snuggled in closer to Sean, breathing him in. Every time you thought about how you were actually with him, butterflies formed, causing you to smile the biggest smile you've ever smiled.

You felt Sean shift, so you shifted with him so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. His hand lingered to find yours. Eventually, he grabbed your hand and intwined his fingers smiling, "Marks got pizza?"

You opened your eyes, thinking to yourself, Was he seriously awake this entire time?

"Have you been awake?" You looked up asking him curiously.

Opening one eye,  he looked down at you, "Mhm..."

Propping himself up on one elbow he smiled down at you and moved a strand of {H/C} out of your face. He chuckled, "Your hair is a mess."

You gasped and huffed, biting your tongue, not wanting to say anything you'd regret. He laughed again and have you a quick kiss on the cheek, jumping out of bed and running downstairs to the food.

Stretching, you sat up and looked around the room for either a digital or wall clock. On the bedside stand sat a small digital alarm clock. You read the time to yourself quietly, "5:49..."

You pulled yourself out of bed, thinking about Sean. For some reason, thinking about him gave you heart ache, you wanted him to be with you. You wanted to feel his warm hand grasped around yours. You shook your head, rubbing it and walked downstairs, combing your fingers through your hair.

Sean turned smiling.


A little something new!! ;3


Sean POV

I turned to see the beautiful girl I cared so much about walking up to me.

Grabbing her by the waist, I pulled her in for a hug, my other hand holding a cheesy slice of pizza.

She let go, looking at the boxes of pizza and picked out a couple slices and sat down at the island.

Mark and I started chatting up a storm whilst {Y/N} eavsed dropped.

I occasionally got a couple cute... Or did they look longing?... Glances from her.

As she finished eating, Mark spoke rather rapidly, "Hey, {Y/N}, wanna go swimming?!"

I put my plate in the sink as I heard a quiet yes come out of {Y/N}'s lips.

I turned back around to see Mark behind me and jumped, "Bloody hell, Mark!! Jesus Christ, you scared me half to death!"

Mark burst out laughing, holding his stomach and pointing at me.

"Hardy Har Har," I 'laughed' mockingly.

After a couple minutes, Mark finally started to stop laughing and calm down, "W-well what I was going to sssay w-was," he said in between giggles, "Do you want to swim, too?"

"Not really," I said a bit sourly.

Mark shrugged, ignoring my tone of voice, "Okie Doke!"

I walked into the living room and felt two dainty arms find their way around my neck.

{Y/N} leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "I'll be back in like an hour, Kay?" She whispered softly.

I nodded smiling as she walked upstairs to get changed.

Sitting on the couch I turned the TV on. By now, the two were both in the pool talking and floating around.

I felt strange, like my heart had been pierced. My eyebrows creased.

My heart was beating faster, and faster.. My stomach is filled with tiny fluttering butterflies.. I realized how much I wanted her to be with me right now. It hurt when she wasn't with me, I felt lonely. I'll do anything to not be lonely...

I leaned back into the couch and closed my eyes, imagining her next to me, her hand clasped in mine. I know she's just outside, but it felt so far away.

I love her and I don't want her to go.

(Talk about the honeymoon stage in a relationship lol)

My mind drifted into other things, like how I only uploaded one video onto YouTube today. I'll need to upload another later... I thought to myself as my mind slowly drifted away from me.

It seem like only a couple minutes passed until I felt a slight change in the cushiony couch. I opened my eyes slowly and looked over to see {Y/N} sitting next to me, smiling.

I smiled back and grabbed her hand.

It looked like she was less tense and calm when I was around her...


I think that's it for now, if you want to follow me on Instagram or anything like that, my account name is @jackswarfstache :3 I just started it tho lol

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