Chp 13: A Misunderstanding

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Daz ma drawing btw lol.. The concert was the best thing ever, I literally cried when I got there! I screamed at the top of my lungs and jumped up and down and just ROCKED THE FUCK OUT YEUH! XD lol but anyways back to da story XP


You jumped, still half asleep and felt another jab into your side and woke up. Sean was trying to tickle you awake, as he did it again but this time with both his hands. One hand on your knee, squeezing it and one tickling your side. Laughing, you tried pushing his hands away, "S-Sean stop!"

He smiled, "Hmm... Nah!" He kept tickling you viciously.

You sat up and he gave you another kiss, "Morning," he smiled.

You grabbed his hand before he could start tickling you again, "Noh."

He made a serious face pulled his hand free from your tight grip and tickled your thigh. You bit you lip holding in a laugh and tried to push his hand away.

He smiled even wider and mouthed the words I love you.

You didn't notice, since you were so occupied with trying to get him to stop tickling you. Finally you had enough and retaliated.

You pushed him down onto the bed and sat on his lap, leaning over him, making him blush... a lot.

You smirked and leaned in closer..

Quickly then, you pulled back and started tickling his sides.

He burst out laughing trying to grab your hands, pulling them away every time he tried grabbing them. You went back to tickling, laughing along with him.

He laughed until he started hacking and that's when you stopped.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?!" You heard Mark shout at you.

"Uhm... NOTHING?" You replied a little uneasy, you didn't want him to think you two were doing anything sexual.

Sean caught you off guard pushing you back down onto the bed, making you let out a quiet oof.

He smiled, sort of teasing you then pulled off/away.

He got off the bed and pulled on some pants and shirt, "We're leaving tomorrow Togo back to Ireland, so you'll have to pack up all your stuff today, I'm already packed, but I also figured you'd want some new clothes before you move in so I'm going out to go shopping for you. What type of clothes do you like?"

You cleared your throat thinking that if you told him his mind would change about you, "Uhm.. I-I like Hot Topic and just... Dark things I guess?" You tried saying that as innocently as you could, you were into all the black clothes and combat boots style. You thought was pretty.

He shrugged, "Like black clothes, grey clothes?"

You nodded as he pulled you in for a goodbye kiss, "Ok," and with that he was out the door, trodding downstairs and walking out of the front door.

You got up, figuring Mark had left with him so you walked downstairs in your underwear and long shirt.

You hadn't fixed you hair, didn't really feel like it.

You heard the stove turn of and stopped in your tracks, Marks still h-here?

You saw Mark start walking out of the kitchen and instantly started walking to the stairs.

You heard him gasp as he saw you.

Looking over your shoulder, you saw a tomato red face that belonged the one and only Mark Fishbach(thats how it's spelled right?).

"U-Uhm..." You're face turned red as well as you froze where you were.

"{Y-Y/N}..." He stuttered your name out.

"I, uh, I thought you left with Sean..." You made up the only excuse you could as you grabbed the hand rail to the stairs.

"No.. He didn't want me to."

You noticed his 'tent' and ran upstairs but was pulled back by his strong, firm grip.

"M-Mark... Let go.." You tried pulling your wrist out of his iron grip.

Mark forcefully pushed his lips against yours, as you tried pulling away.

Your forehead creased in anger as you tried pulling away, harder again this time. He was too strong, he didn't let you go.

You heard the front door open and the sweet Irish accent came with it, "Hey, Mark, I forgo-..."

Mark instantly let go of your wrists and pulled away from you.

You looked over to Sean and wiped your mouth.

His eyes darted from Mark to you as he glared at you in hatred. Hatred...

You felt stabbed, shot, torn. Your heart ached, Sean hated you. But it wasn't your fault...

"Sean..." You looked at him as he huffed. You could tell he was going to cry, his eyes started to become glassy.

Sean POV

I can't-...

Why would she do this to me?

I thought she loved me.

Apparently not.

"Sean..." She said quietly as she looked at me.

I glared at her with hatred and slammed the door shut as I ran down the street. I didn't bother slowing down until I reached the corner store.

Not many cars were out since it was pretty early in the morning.

I leaned against a pole, combing my fingers through my hair.

Your POV

You ran after him out the door, not caring that you were a complete mess. You pulled you long shirt down further so no one could see your undies.

You ran until your feet hurt. You figured he was at some sort of store, maybe the Dollar Tree? Gas Station? Corner Store?

I don't think he'd run all the way to the Dollar Store... And the Gas Station is too close... The Corner Store.

You ran to the corner store and saw him leaning against a pole. He met your eyes and sneered.

You slowly walked up to him as he looked away, at least he's going to let me explain...

You gently touched his shoulder as he looked at you, pain in his eyes.

"What?" He spat out.

"Sean I-... It wasn't my fault. I thought Mark had left with you so I didn't dress... And then it turned out he was still there and he kissed me! I tried pulling away, but he had my wrist!"

Sean looked away from you slowly.

"Don't you believe me..?" You asked him, trying to get a look at his face.

He turned back to you, eyebrows creased in concern, "... You're not lying.. Aren't you..?"

You shook your head as your eyes became glassy. You didn't want to cry in public so you held in your tears.

Sean pulled in for a hug, "I'm sorry I blamed you... I should've know, as I said Mark is a flirt."

You hugged him back and he pulled away, "Take my sweater, you have no pants."

You smiled, "Thank you..." Taking his sweater, you put it on and it might as well have been a dress, it was a bit big on him, but you didn't expect it to be this big on you too.

He grabbed your hand and leaned over you, giving you a kiss on the top of your head. He pulled you in against his chest as he rest his chin a top of your head.

You stood there like that for a couple minutes before you started walking back to Marks house.


A bit longer of a chapter lol I hope you like it 👍

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