It's Time

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YOOOO sorry for late update but ya know, my mum didn't have wifi so yea >-> ;-; ok let's get started!!!


After watching some more funny videos, you decided to start packing, since of course you weren't going to stay in you dorm while an hour away. You were still surprised that Pax was so close. Walking upstairs lazily, you pulled out a suitcase, opening it. You opened your closet and started pulling out some outfits for the 2-3 weeks you'd be there.

After picking out all the clothes, you shut the closet doors and knelt down next to the pile of clothes and suitcase. You started folding the clothes as small as you could since you didn't have that big of a suitcase and you had tons of clothes (including some extra clothes, just couldn't help yourself) . You checked the clock again, seeing that is was 3:49pm. You looked back at your, just a little bit smaller now, pile of clothes and started just throwing the clothes in it.

You still had to get a nice room in a hotel and drive there.

Zipping up the suitcase, you left a note on the kitchen counter, reading , 'I'm going to be gone for a couple weeks, do me a favor and tell my professors that. And collect my homework too, please. THANKS!!!!' You ran out the door and shoved the case into your backseat. Closing the door, you walked over to the driver side and opened the door. You buckled yourself in before starting the car. You revved the engine and turned into the street, heading to a hotel.

~About An Hour Later~

Pulling into a parking lot in front of a 4 1/2 star hotel, you got out of the car. You pulled out your suitcase and locked the car doors, you weren't 100% sure about this area. You thought it looked just a bit edgy.

You walked into the hotel and rented a room for 2-3 weeks. You smiled politely, taking the key and walked into the elevator, waiting to arrive at the 5th floor. 'Large building...' You thought to yourself. You had ordered a suite. Who wants to stay in a shitty room for more than a couple days? Certainly not you.

You walked out of the elevator and walked down the hallway. You stopped at room 437 and pushed the key into the slot, turning it. You opened the door and walked inside, looking around. You put the suitcase next to the closed front door and looked at the kitchen and TV across from the bed, "I wonder if it has apps..." You said quietly, smiling. You pulled out your phone from your back pocket in your skinny jeans.

'5:01pm' it read.

Shrugging, you walked over to the fridge, surprised to see that it was already full of food, "Wow" your smile grew bigger, "Didn't expect this."

You pulled out a chocolate pudding and grabbed a spoon from the silverware drawer.

You sat on the edge of your bed, snacking on pudding and turned on the Flat Screen TV. You changed the channel to Fox and watched Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.


Sorry short chapter, I'm just really distracted right now 😅 WHOOPS anyways, enjoy!!!

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