Chp 18: I Swear

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I have the aftertaste of pumpkin coffee in my mouth. Yay lol anywho, I'm listening to Plain White T's right now >u> yay!


Sean POV

I grabbed {Y/N}'s arm, "Please believe me, it's better if you didn't see and I took care of it," I pleaded, I couldn't let her see what happened, she'd hate me. Besides, I am the only person who can really fix this.

She pulled her arm away, "Is it really that bad?" Her expression had the word concerned written in sharpie all across it.

I nodded and walked up in front of {Y/N}, separating herself and the door to her room.

I could tell she was having a hard time deciding whether or not to trust me, but in the end she let me take care of it.

I gave her a kiss on the forehead, "Thank you."

{Y/N} nodded, "I'll.... be downstairs.." She turned and walked downstairs, slowly.

I opened the door to the room and closed it quickly behind me as I stepped inside. I bent down next to Jessy and put my hand against her neck, looking for a pulse.

Eventually I found it. I sat her up against the wall and bandaged the wound on the side of her head, thankfully {Y/N} had a first aid kit stuffed in her closet.

I cleaned up the wound before bandaging it, afterwards it was all cleaned and bandaged I made her swallow some Advil to relieve the pain.

I stood up and looked around for paper and a pen.

Dear Jessy,

Hey, sorry, I blacked out and woke up to find you on the floor. I'm really sorry, something took over me and I don't know what it was, I'm really sorry, once again. I hope this doesn't change your mind about me.

Sean McLoughlin

I wrote down quickly on a small sheet of paper. After placing it on the bedside stand next to a bottle of water and a couple Advil pills, I'm sure she'll need some more, I picked up everything I had gathered for {Y/N} and ran downstairs plopping everything on the couch.

I looked up to see {Y/N} there next to me, "So what was wrong?" She asked, bending down to open one of the suitcases.

"O-oh, Jessy hit her head and I need to clean it up, it was pretty bad and I didn't want you to see it," I lied.

{Y/N} nodded, "And who's Jack?" She asked suspiciously.

I paused and looked down at her, "Who?"

{Y/N} stood back up and mess with my hair, "Jack."

I looked at her nervously, "I don't know..?" She couldn't know, she's not allowed to.

She raised an eyebrow, and started fixing the collar of my shirt, "Are you sure?"

I nodded hesitantly.

{Y/N} sighed and rested her hands in my chest, "What really happened?"

I cupped her cheek with my hand, "Nothing, just trust me. You don't need to know, she has a very bad bruise on her head because like I said she got hurt. But I fixed it, she's alright, I promise."

{Y/N} rest her head against my chest as well and I wrapped my arms around her, "Ok, I believe you."

I smiled and kissed the top of her head, "Let's keep packing, I'll book a flight real quick, ok?"

She nodded and bent down, taking a couple folded clothes at a time and put them away.

Your POV

You had already packed half of the suitcase when Sean bent down to help you, smiling sweetly. You felt butterflies jump and flutter around in your belly.

You smiled back and continued placing clothes in the case neatly, "So when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow," he said, shoving clothes in. "At 6am, that's why we have to hurry."

You looked up at him and jabbed a finger into his side, "Well let's hurry up then!"

You started throwing clothes into the case rapidly along with Sean. You had filled up the large suitcase with clothes and the small one with some of your belongings that you wanted to keep.

"Before I cam back when I was out I stopped by to talk to the principal and tell him about everything," you said zipping up the small suitcase and standing up, stretching.

Sean smiled and pulled you in for a tight hug, "I'm so happy you get to live with me."

You nodded and rubbed his back, just a little distracted about who Jack was but you responded quietly, "Me too.."

Sean gave you a kiss after pick up the suitcases and pulled you in close.

You kissed back and took the small suitcase from his hands.

You pulled away smiling and held up the car keys, dropping them in his empty hand, "I call shotgun!"

Sean groaned and walked out to the car behind you. Opening the trunk, you pushed the small suitcase in next to the larger one. Sean's case was in the back seat of the car.

You got into the passenger side seat and checked the clock radio, 5:54pm already? We must've spent more time cleaning up my room than I thought...

You strapped yourself in and felt yourself drifting off into a sleep. Cleaning your shit hole room was pretty tiring...


Wow, such long chapter, I think, but anywho, I finished this on the bus so now here I go... Ready? 3... 2... 1... PUBLISH!!!!

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