Chapter One

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Sunday night:
"Jaylin come back here NOW!"

"I said to call me Jay! Why can't you understand that!?"

"Because you are a girl!"

I gave my mother a sneer and rolled my eyes before walking out of the house slamming the door behind me not saying any more.

I hear yelling coming from behind the door, but I keep walking not knowing where I'll sleep tonight.

The last words I hear:
"If  you walk away now don't you dare think about coming back."
The next morning:

I wake up to a women shaking me awake.
"Miss.. I mean...sir?"
I grin. I ended up passing out on a bench after walking for what I guessed was 2 hours and it was already probably 1 o'clock in the afternoon...

I guess that's what happens when you runaway at 2 in the morning. I finally take a look at the women.

She looked like she was in her late forties. She was pretty with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes.

I sit up checking my pockets to make sure I still had the few things I brought and indeed I did.

My wallet I had bought myself. My mom insisted I had a purse though of course, and my phone. An IPhone 5c that my dad got me. He made it pink, but I just got a case to cover that.

I look back up at the women.
"Sir?" I question her. She got a bit of a shocked look on her face. I'm guessing she thought she made a mistake pretty much calling me a man.

I wasn't complaining though I was actually glad she attempted to respect my gender identity.

"Thanks." Is all I said making her relax.

"What are you doing out here?" She asks.
"I'd rather not say." And she nodded her head as if she understood.

"Well do you need a place to stay?"

"Can I know your name first before I even think about trusting you?" I know I might've sounded rude, but the words were already said and it's an important question.

"My name is Pearl Harrington." She said sincerely.

"Yes I do need a place to stay."

About 10 minutes later I was at a new house. It wasn't necessarily big nor small. It was very basic and plain, but nice.

Apparently the women has a niece that lives with her that's about my age, but I only know that cause she told me.

The niece, she didn't mention the name and I'm not going to bother to ask, is working then going to a friends house so I won't get to see her until tomorrow at school. Which surprisingly they live in the same school district as me so maybe I already know the chick.

The reason I say MAYBE is because I go to a very big school. Claymore High school. Junior year. And technically my parents still have to pay for me to go or they have to go to jail.

Unless of course they legally disown me and I already know they're not going to go through all that trouble for me. They never have before.

Pearl tells me that I can sleep in her niece's room tonight since she's not gonna be there.

As I walk into the room I feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction. It's really girly in here.

The walls and bed are a pastel pink and the furniture is mostly white.

But there is a T.V......I respect that.

I take off my shoes. Completely black converse I love them, and then I get myself comfortable...on the floor.

There's no way I'm sleeping in that bed and ruining it. I don't want to have to remake it....and maybe a little bit because it looks really nice the way it is.

After eating dinner, very delicious by the way, it takes me another 5 hours of watching tv and scrolling through my phone ignoring all texts to fall asleep.

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