Chapter Twenty One

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Jay's POV:

I hang up the phone.

"He rejected my moving in." I say, obviously pissed off, to Alice.

"Isn't that the third person?!" She says. We're looking for a decent apartment and I had just come across my favorite one yet, but nope. The guy said I can't, with no decent reason either!

I'm laying on her bed looking through a newspaper. I've called and talked to the owner of every single one of the apartments I circled.

"Fucking hell Alice..what are we gonna do?"

"We could try calling them again.." I'm about to shake my head when her eyes light up.

"Your favorite one so far...I wonder if the owner likes women...your not gonna like this." She gets out her phone and looks up the owner of the complex.

Marshall Springer
Age: 48
Marriage: Divorced to Marilynn Dawnson 2011

I'm not able to read any more before she shuts the phone off.

"I doubt this will work, but it's worth a shot..."

I look at the mirror in disgust.


"I'm sorry! You want an apartment don't you? Well you're more likely to get one as a women it's a fact. You can change as soon as Marshall lets you in."

I roll my eyes. Alice got me to wear a short high-wasted skirt and she tried to put me in a tucked in tank top with a B-cup bra, but I'd only let her do it if she let me put a t-shirt over it. We "compromised" with a belly shirt that was tshirt-like.

It sickened me, but she's right the guy will probably let us in if we look like two sorority girls rather then a smartass trans and an awkward lesbian.

At least I could keep the hair.

Alice was looking hot too and I'd much rather just stare her as I undress her with my eyes, but I need an apartment.

As soon as we got to the room I could tell the guy was happy to see us. It's actually disgusting.

"So you're the people I said no to earlier. Well I am so sorry about that, but I can't just let you have the room because you're cute. Make sure to pay me on time, or do me a little favor." He says with a winking making me so badly want to flinch or punch him in the face, but I hold back and just give a flirty smile.

"Room 12 is yours." With that he hands us the key and we smile giving him a small thank you before walking out as calmly as possible.

Once we get far enough away I turn to her and she can tell it's bad.

"I cannot. Believe. You got me. To do that. That was disgusting how does any women deal with that and how do they handle having these in their way 24/7?!" I say pointing to my boobs.

"I'm sorry! And we just do because for some reason we like them. Look you got the room didn't you?! You should be thanking me." She crosses her arms and tries not make eye contact as I glare at her.

"Thanks." I spit out.

We make our way to the new room which, surprisingly, doesn't take forever to find and we open it up.

The reason I liked this place more then the rest was because they were very cheap and the rooms were fairly nice.

But no, this room.

It's a mess.

"I think we've got some work to do..." I say turning to look at Alice who has the same surprised look as me.

"Yeah...yeah we do..."

I know I know. Finally, another chapter. I left you guys horny and wanting more, but here's another chapter and if you like this chapter please vote or comment or just continue reading the ones to come. Your viewing fuels me and please check out my other stories as well they're all gonna be fantabulous you just wait.

I hope you loved it and if you did please share the love by voting and telling others about the story or storiessss.

Thank you all so much. :D

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