Chapter Eleven

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Alice's POV:

"What....really?" I'm on the phone with Pearl waiting in the nurse's office.

"Yeah he got ganged up on by 3 other dudes." I say swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Well...will she be alright? I mean, we don't have to go to the hospital or anything, right? Because I don't have any insurance fo-"

"Yes Pearl he'll be fine. It'll just take a while to heal. He might be black and blue for a few weeks."

"Oh wow....should I come pick her up and take her home?" She only respects Jay's pronouns when he's around.

"Well I mean it's almost the end of the school day by now and he hasn't woken up so yeah....and you might as well take me with you."

"Ok then. I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

Yes! I'm out of school early...

Just as I hang up I hear Jay's raspy voice.

"Are we going home early....?"

I swear he can read my thoughts sometimes...

Wait! Jay's awake!

I'm in one of the rollie seats so I just fling myself over beside him as fast as I can. I had been waiting in this office for half an hour already, not to mention carrying him up here. He may be skinny, but man he's heavy!

"Are you okay?!" I say looking over his wounds. The nurse had cleaned up most of the blood and the scratches were healed over, but the bruises were still getting worse. Especially his eye.

" Not really. My entire body is aching and I've got a major headache, but I'm alive! You saved me from the hitmen!" He says attempting to smile, but giving up as he flinches in pain.

"Wow you are always so positive..."

"Ehhh yeah I gotta be..." He says sarcastically.

Well, at least he's making smart-alik jokes he must be okay...mentally...kinda.

"Answer my question." He says staring up at me with a straight face.

"What question?"

"Are we both going home early?"

"Oh. Yeah my aunt should be picking us up..."

She walks in the door.


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