Chapter Twelve

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Jay's POV:

It's already been one super long, boring, week since I got beat up.

The second was definitely the worst.

My entire body had ached and the bruises had gotten 5 times larger then when we left the school.

I guess that's the one good thing about this. I haven't had to go to school.

Alice had told me that the guys who who started this pain had gotten suspended including Nate, which felt like the biggest victory of my life.

I mean after a year of torment and sexual harassment, and then him telling you that he was going to take the person you've liked for a year whether by force or not....

Yeah, Alice. You would probably feel a great sense of happiness because of this too.

At this point the bruises had gone down and the black eye was almost completely healed.

Alice was exaggerating a bit when she said it might take weekSSS. Just one.

And yes I was awake for that entire phone conversation.

I've been sitting on Alice's bed all week and I've been refusing most food so I can deal with the fact that all I get to do is sit here or wonder the house a bit if it's not too painful.

This fact made up for a really awkward night before she decided it was best to just take my spot on the floor.

It's been pretty lonely. I only get to see Alice when she gets home from school or work which means she can be gone until 8 o'clock.

I've noticed that she's never even questioned why I'm at her house. Which is good I'm not sure if I want to tell her.

Of course I'll have to, but still.

I'm not sure if I'm still mad at my mom, but I'm not going back there. I guess I'll have to get a job too.

At least then I can pay for my own things here and by the end of my senior year I can rent an apartment or something.

I don't even know. This is too stressful...

So I guess for now I can do just about anything I want...but I can't get carried away I only have an hour before Alice gets home...

I turn on the TV and turn it to the adult channels that you have to rent. You know, the good stuff, and I begin to watch one that says "DD Cougar X-treme(All Day)".


Well Alice is home apparently.

"Natural...things...." I say taking my eyes off the screen as she grabs the remote, turns it to a random channel, and shuts it off.

"Well these "natural things" cost money and I'll probably get in trouble for it!"

"Oh don't worry baby I won't let anyone get you in trouble for my needs."

She rolls her eyes her cheeks a slight red.

"Whatever Jay..." She looks at me pleadingly.

"Are you going to school tomorrow?"

"No I'll probably go back Monday.... You should stay here with me."

"I can't Jay I have no reason to."

"Make up a reason you're in theatre, right?"

She contemplates this.

"I...I guess so..."

"Then it's settled. You're staying at home with me tomorrow."

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