Chapter Sixteen

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Jay's POV:

It's been a month since I've seen Alice and I feel like death.

At first I considered going home, but I made it to the rode I live on and I saw my mother walking into our house and she looked....happy.

I wound up everywhere, but home.

I haven't been able to go to school because I've been working in hopes to rent an apartment or something.

In the mean time I've been sleeping on benches and luckily I've been able to charge my phone at work, like right now.

There's just one thing. I never got Alice's number.

Yeah I felt pretty unachieved after figuring that out.

"Table 4 food is ready!"

I got a job at Taco Bell.

Most everyone avoids me. I mean, I don't exactly look like the welcoming type.

I could say that I'm filthy too, but that'd be a lie. I've been taking showers at the gym, but that's it. If anything I exorcise not exercise.

The person at table 4 walks up, grabs their food, and we both walk off. Me heading back to the kitchen.

I hear the next order and I begin to work on it.

When the costumer comes to take there food I recognize them immediately and they know it.

"Hi Alice.." I say monotone trying not to make a scene.

"Hey Jay, can I- can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?" I look around to see if anyone is really watching and than I pull her away holding her wrist all the way to back.


"Sh... It took me forever to find out where the hell you went, but I did it. Why haven't you been at school?"

I begin to tell her about what has happened since the day we got caught.

"....and yuh know, homeless people can be vicious."

She rolls her eyes and grins.

" should've at least tried to go back home. Yuh know, confront your mother...."

"Nah, I'm good. Going somewhere where they don't want me. I don't want that. How about you? What happened?"

She begins to tell me the story.

When she got home she immediately knew her uncl- no. Father Hetero. Won the fight.

He was standing in front of her with his arms crossed while Pearl sat on the couch making sure not to make eye contact.

"What have I done so wrong to make you this way?! Huh?! What did I do?! You fake sick just so you can stay home and make out with your guest whom is a GIRL!"


"Shut up Pearl! Now Alice. I do not want you talking with anyone like Jay and I especially do not want you talking to Jay! You hear me!"

By then Alice had tears streaming down her face as she nodded her head trying to make him stop yelling.

She still thinks about those words, but it's gotten a bit better. She avoids Father Hetero at all costs.

I guess they think she's at work right now, but her shift doesn't start for another two hours.

"I'm sorry Alice. I shouldn't have made camp at your house. Not when-"

"Jay I don't want to hear you're sorry. I want you back. I want you to be with me again. I want my uncle to understand so I can be with you."'s a lot of butterflies in my stomach.

My eyes lock on hers and I know what we both need.

Our lips connect and soon our tongues as well as we begin to make out.

Maybe there are cameras back here and I can get the video taping of this for later. That'd be hot huh?

I pick her up so she's straddling my waist and I lean her against the wall getting lost in the make out session.

I need her, but I can't have her.

I think I'm going to have to try talking with Father Hetero again.

But for now...

I lift up her shirt.

Let's enjoy this.

Don't worry you guys you'll all get to enjoy sexy scenes soon enough.

Just not this one.

Ones better then this one.

Yeah. I hope you enjoyed. Keep reading. Show the love. Thank you for every comment every star. Thank you thank you thank you do much, it's why I write.

And if you thing this book is good. Share the love.

:D <3

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