Chapter Four

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Alice's POV:

I had decided not to mention anything to Jay about Pearl calling him a her.

I at least need to figure out whether or not he's for sure a girl before embarrassing myself. I just need to figure out how I'll do that.

Oh well I'll think about that later.

At first when the realization of Jay staying here hit me I was going to argue about getting him out, but then I thought about it and this could be my chance to get back at him for teasing me and a good way for me to figure out if he's a girl.

So I guess I'll try to get him out after that.

I don't see Jay until dinner when Pearl calls us to the kitchen.

We only have four chairs at our dinner table so I sit across from him trying not to make any eye contact.

Why do I all of the sudden feel like the guest in my own house? Jay should be the one shying away, but no he's the one making conversation acting like he's been here for years.

"So where am I sleeping this time?" He asks. I hadn't thought about that, but I wasn't too worried about it. My aunt new well enough to not put him in my-

"You'll just continue sleeping in Alice's room."

My heart stopped.


I stand up looking right at Jay who's staring right back with a well hidden mischievous grin.

"Pearl can I talk to you in private."

"Sure sweetie what is i-" Her sentence is cut off as I pull her into the living room.

"Jay can't sleep in my room!"

"It'll be alright sweetie Jay is just like any other girl you know, she just prefers being called a guy."

Well there's my answer.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"I don't want hi-her- no him, in my room."

"Well too bad your going to have to get over it."

I stomp my foot in frustration and make my way back to the kitchen.

No Jay.

I presume he went ahead and tried to get comfy in MY room which infuriates me even more as I run over to it slamming the door open.


Oh. Not here either. That's when I finally calm down enough to here my bathroom shower running.

Make yourself at home why don't you.

I begin thinking about what's happening in there and it's making me

Jay. Naked. Wet.

What is wrong with me?! I'm straight and Jay's a female! Even so I hate Jay with a passion!

I go over and lay down on my bed getting out my phone. It's already 7 o'

About 10 minutes later I realize the shower had been off as I see Jay walk out with a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

He has bark brown hair thats always gelled up into faux hawk like position. Very pale and very clear skin. Lucky....

"Take a picture it'll last longer."

My cheeks go a bit red. I was staring.

"Shut up..." I mutter quieter then I mean to.

I hear him chuckle and I look up only to see him looking through my stuff.

I shoot up of the bed.

Don't ask me why I'm so protective of my stuff. It's mine isn't that a good enough reason? Ok and there may be a few secrets over there that I'd rather Jay not know of.

"Hey!" I block him from my desk and sigh.

"Ok we need some rules." He stares at me and I know he's just waiting for me to talk, but for some reason I feel a rush of butterflies.

He's around 3 inches taller then me making him 5'7 and he's very close which is making me very uncomfortable, but I also want to be closer...

Stop it brain. Stop.

I regain myself and begin.

"First off. Don't touch my things. Second. You aren't staying very long. I'll make sure of that so don't get too comfortable. Third-"

"You think I want to stay here?"

There it goes. That feeling that I could ever like him. My cheeks go red as I look up seeing a very p-ed off Jay.

"No no that's not what I mean't!"

"Oh I think it is. You think I came here willingly just to, what? Bug you? No. You know nothing about me and I don't want you to ever talk to me like you do!"

My cheeks are on fire. "Sorry.." I barely say as I look down. I walk over to my bed and get blankets out from under it as well as a pillow from the top.

"Here" I say throwing them on the floor for him not daring to look up. All I felt like doing all of the sudden was curling up in my bed and dying.

I toss the tv remote on to the floor.

"Turn it to whatever you want." Is the last thing I say before I curl up in my bed.

Oh my god.

Why did he get so mad?

Why did it make my heart hurt so much?

And I fall asleep.

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