Chapter Nineteen

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Jay's POV:

Alice hasn't come to see me in three days since the...thing happened. So I finally decided I was going to go to her.

Especially since I had news. Amazing news.

As I approached the school I saw Presley first.

"Hey have you seen Alice."

" was leaving in a hurry to see you."

That's impossible. If I she was coming to see me I would've seen her on the way.

"Has she been acting strange lately?" I say beginning to panic.

There's no way...

"Yeah! She's been a bit tense and kinda sad lately. It's strange, I don't like it."

"Presley, I think Fa- Henry, found out she was seeing me." I begin to run off towards her house and Presley follows.

As we step onto the front porch my breathing begins to slow down and I listen for any talking.

"Did you go see her today?"

"No Henry." She snaps.

"Liar!" And I hear a loud slap. My face fills with fury.

"That's it Henry we're done! I can't let you do this! Get out of my house!"


"Get out! Now!"

As soon as I realize I'm standing right where he's supposed to get out I take Presley and hide.

I watch as he storms out, slamming the door behind him. I almost want to smile at his anger, but then I realize, I kinda just ruined their whole relationship.

When he's finally gone I look over at Presley.

"I don't think now is a good time do you?"

"That....that's a toughie..."

We wait another 20 minutes before Presley drags me into the house.

"Is everything alright? I heard yelling and saw Henry storm out." She says. Pearl is sitting on the edge of the recliner her arms crossed and her face covered with anger.

Alice is staring at me, her eyes watery. I walk over a comfort her as Presley talks with Pearl.

"It's okay Alice. I heard him, it's gonna be alright." I say trying to calm her.
2 days ago, Alice's POV:

I'm laying on my bed when Henry storms in.

"Alice Grey!" He yells and I freak out.


"The police officers are here they say you are an eye witness to an assault! When I asked who they said Jay Toms!"

"I..I don't know what they're talking-"

"Don't you dare lie to me get down here now!" He says grabbing my hair, pulling me down the stairs.

He throws me off the stairs and I make me way to the door where the cops are and they ask me to step out and I do.

I tell them what I saw and they let me go. I make my way into the door shaking.

Henry is standing there with his arms crossed and he looks pissed.

He dragged me into the closet under the stairs and that's where I spent the night. Pearl was at work at the time.
Jay's POV:

Alice told me what has gone on and I was pissed.

Me, Presley, and Alice are sitting in her room.

I was thinking of all the ways I could kill Father Hetero when I hear Alice ask me something.

"You texted me and said you had good news. What was it?"

I calm down a bit getting distracted.

"I have enough money."

"Enough money?" Presley asks, but Alice's face is lighting up and that's who I'm looking at when I say.

"Enough money for an apartment."

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