Chapter Three

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Alice's POV:

I'm sitting with Presley on the bus.

I was right. Today was fun. Please note the sarcasm.

To make it even better we have a new rider.

That rider just so happens to be Jay.

I watch him as he greets himself to our bus driver and begins to walk down the aisle making me flinch away from him and look to the ground.

Wait. Walks past? I thought he'd do.. I don't know. Something? But no he just freaking walks past. Fine.

Why am I so disappointed?

Presley's voice pulls me back to reality.

"So....who's your crush?" She asks grinning. She always asks this when she's trying to break the silence.

I smile and shake my head.

"Nobody. Absolutely no one peaks my interest."


What? No.


No he's a jerk.

I dismiss the weird thought and glance back at Presley.

She has been my best friend since the day I moved here which was about a year ago when my uncle got a new job.

I nervously make my way onto the bus. I really am an awkward potato.

Of course, no one really gives me a second glance. That is until I see one girl staring up at me with deep brown eyes and long curly brown ombré hair.

At first I feel a hint of anxiety, but she smiles at me and scoots over in the seat.

I guess this is my hint she actually wants me to sit by her and ever so awkwardly I do.

"H..hi" I say.

I should at least attempt to make conversation.

"Hello." She answers looking away staring out the window.

Yeah this isn't going to work out. Just survive the bus ride and try to make friends when you get to school.

All of the sudden she turns to me almost as awkward as I feel and begins asking questions.

"I-I'm Presley. What's your name?"

Before I know it I'm at my stop. Yes my stop, my bus doesn't go house by house, it drops off around 10 kids at each stop.

Honestly. I'm really excited to meet the guest.

I glance over my shoulder at the bus waving goodbye to Presley since she doesn't get off at my stop and that's when I run straight into somebody.

I pause and look up to see who it is.


"Hi babe." He says chuckling.

"You're just all over me today aren't you." I look down at the ground trying to hide my face because believe or not I'm blushing. I don't know why! Someone could hold open a door for me and I'd think about it for a month.

I walk around him trying to ignore his annoying comments.

Annnnd he follows me.

"Jay don't you have somewhere better to be! Go home!"

"I am walking towards my 'home'."


What way! She said they were a girl.

I keep walking, Jay only a few steps behind me, until I get home. That's when I really start panicking.

There's no way!

What if it was a typo?! She, he, it's only a one letter difference...

But why would Jay be staying at our house!

I pick up the pace opening the door and immediately start looking for my aunt.

"Oh I see you've met Jay!" I see her walk into the living room.

I look behind me and Jay is standing there at the door and for moment I think I see shock on his face, but that only lasts for a millisecond before it's gone. Replaced with a smile as he shakes my aunt's hand.

"Once again, thank you for letting me stay Pearl."

As she answers my mind races with questions, but there's one over powering them all.

Jay's a girl......?

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