Chapter Eight

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Alice's POV:

It's been two days since Nate asked me out.

Jay....has calmed down, but he hasn't been acting normal. He's been acting..nice. It's weird.

But it feels good.

That doesn't matter though I'm on a date with Nate.

Well I will be. He's 10 minutes late and the movie is about to start so I'm stuck at the entrance waiting for him.

I'm not mad though I'm sure he has a good reason....

Just then I see him walk through the entrance doors.

"Oh my goodness Alice I am so sorry!"

"Uh. Uh. It's ok. C'mon I've got seats saved for us." I say motioning for him to follow me.

"Ok good" He says grinning.

We walk to the doors that have the words Alice Through The Looking Glass lit up above it, and walk in taking our seats just as the movie starts.

"Well I guess it's good we skipped the advertisements, right?" I say jokingly making him smirk for a second as if it was forced.

Yeah I think I'll just stay quiet...

I awkwardly walk out of the theatre.

The only reason this action is done awkwardly is because the entire time Nate was being a bit..grabby.

I smooth out my clothes, a skirt with a loose white top, trying to calm down and maybe..lighten the mood? I dunn-

Before I know what's going on I feel myself pushed up against the wall.

"So now that we're alone" I look around, Nate's right we were one of the last ones out leaving the hall completely empty. "How about we get down to what I came here for?"

I feel his hand go under my skirt and my face goes blood red and before I can let out a scream he covers my mouth.


I try to pull him off me, but he takes both of my wrists and pins my hands above my head and is about to shut me up by kissing me, but not before I let out a loud screech, tears beginning to stream down my face.

The "kiss" never comes though.

I feel Nate being pulled off me, but my visions too blurred with tears for me to see exactly what's going on.

I can vaguely make out punches being thrown, but only one person is being punched. Nate.

But who is punching him?!

I wipe my eyes to try to figure out the answer, but I still can't see clearly enough.

After a few more seconds of punching noises and grunts the person grabs my shoulders making me flinch.

"Are you okay?!"


"Um y-yeah... How did you...?"

"Don't ask me questions right now. Just...just follow with me." He pulls me away to the exit as I wipe my eyes, the tears have stopped.

Once we're well away from the cinema he turns around to face me putting his hands on my shoulders.

For a minute he just stands there, I would say staring at me, but I feel like it's more and it's making me nervous.

Right before I'm about to start asking questions I feel myself being pulled into his chest as he holds me in a tight embrace.

"I'm so glad you're okay." He says, his head resting in my neck.

A part of me wants to push him away and starting yelling and asking questions because I'm so confused, but I decide to go with the one that feels the best. Literally.

I wrap my arms around him pulling him closer and taking in him scent, which mainly smells like cologne. It suits him.

"Thank you."

We stay like this for a few more seconds before he pulls away clearing his throat and putting his hands back to his sides.

"Are you ready to go back home....?" He says awkwardly. Good thing home is a fairly short walk away because neither of us have a car.


The walk home is silent. Both of us devoured in our own thoughts.

I begin thinking about what Nate did.

Yeah it was sexual, but I felt nothing, but disgust.

Maybe it's just because it was so forced......

Slowly my mind decides it has to put Jay in that same exact position.

I get lost in the thought and don't realize I'm thinking of that scenario until I feel butterflies in my stomach.

Oh wow. My cheeks get hot. Oh no.

I think I like girls.

Or at least girl parts...

Even more I think I like Jay....

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