Chapter Five

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Jay's POV:

I was too harsh.

I've messed up.

I need to apologize.

I rub my eyes as I sit up hearing the sound of an alarm.

"What the h- Oh" So Alice is the type to set alarms...... we have school...... Also ew.....I sigh and get up with a scowl heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Pearl had gotten me all of the necessities like clothes, a toothbrush, gel....

I like her she's nice.

I begin to think about last night as I brush my teeth.

I can't help it. Rule two really pissed me off for more then one reason, but I shouldn't have been so mean....

God I'm a jerk!

I'm just going to wait and see if Alice has gotten over it. I'm not good with apologies.

I finish gelling my hair and walk out.

I gulp and my whole mindset changes.

Alice is almost completely naked as she gets dressed standing in the middle of the room. Only her undies on as she straps her bra in the back.

I stand there for a second in shock unable to move as I stare at her. I hear a shriek and it immediately makes me slam the bathroom door shut.

I lean myself against it rethinking what just happened...she's hot...long, wavy, blond hair, deep blue eyes...UGH!

Now I can't get dressed cause my clothes are out there and I need to wait for her in this bathroom that feels like it's been turned up 50 degrees...

I'm not going to say that it's because I like her, but it is. I've liked her since the day I met her, but my mom never allowed me to date and she'd...never mind.

Alice is straight....and that's just the hard truth.

I hear her knock on the bathroom door so I'm guessing she's done.

I open the door and walk passed. She's looking at the ground, but I can still tell her cheeks are blood red.

For being straight it sure is for me to make her feel flustered.

I keep a straight expression on my face. Very hard to do, and I grab my clothes also getting changed.

We eat breakfast in silence and we go out to the bus in silence.

The silence is driving me crazy!

All she'll do is slightly glance at me!

And it's making me feel awful....I guess I'll have to apologize....

We get to school and I walk in not even looking at Alice once.

I know I said I'd apologize.

Lets make this good......

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