Chapter Twenty-three

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Jay's POV:

Until I have enough money to continue fixing the apartment I've been staying at Alice's house.

Yes, I could get money from Pearl and get myself into the apartment, but I really don't want to use any of their money. Not anymore.

So yeah, I've been going out and buying own food.....and taking showers with's been all fine and dandy.

Sadly Alice is at school right now and I don't have work till this afternoon when she works.

Today should be boring.

I begin exploring her room when I remember her yelling at me last time...

That was just for the desk....I wanna explore the desk...

Desk...? Yes.

I make my way to the desk and begin my exploration.

"Dora Dora Dora the explorer,
Boots and the super cool explorer Dora...."

I find a journal and I open it up:

Dear anybody who is reading this(which you should NOT be) I am in first grade. I do NOT like boys, boys just like me. I don't have a crush either...I hope I don't.

I continue to the next page and once again there's more sloppy little kid writing:

Boys who like me:
Jake: 4 hearts
Parker: 8 hearts
Max: 2 hearts
Eddie: 9 hearts

Ok. I don't have a crush I would just really love to hug them and be their best friend. For some reason the person is Jaylin. It's cool to see a girl with short hair. All she does though is get in fights and throws tantrums, but I still wanna hug her.

Dear people who read this,
I've thought this way about Jaylin for a long time now and I've finally nervously attempted to talk to her. It's normal to feel nervous talking to a new friend, right? I said hi and she didn't respond, but she did look at me so I think we got somewhere.

Dear PWRT,
I tried talking to Jaylin again. I said hi and she responded this time! With what do you want? And I continued a conversation with her though it still felt a bit one sided.

Dear PWRT,
Something is different about Jaylin, I mean Jay, she asked me to call her Jay today, and I just can't put my finger on what. I want to hug her very badly now though.

Dear PWRT,
I am very sad today. Jay told me she might not be coming back next year. She said her dad is getting a new job and she'll be going to a new school. I don't want her to leave!

I breeze through a few mor entrees all the way to one in the back, but this one's definitely recent:

Dear PWRT,
Jay's back.

Okay. I'm 99.9% sure that Jaylin is me and the more I think about it the more I remember Alice.

She was having crushes on girls since first grade and she just realized she was a lesbian a few months ago? That. Is a lesbian in denial.

I bet there's more in here though....

There's a picture of two adults who look to be in their early twenties. The women looks exactly like Alice and I assume that's her mom, she's beautiful. There's a guy standing beside her who seems very handsome, but he has dark circles under his eyes so it looks like he hasn't slept in days.

I set the picture down and shut the desk.

I can't believe she liked me way back then.

I did move to a new school and went to the same school, the one I'm in now...kinda, ever since then and she had just moved here, finally came back to me. It took me a week of...stalking...her for me to like her and I decided if I couldn't date her, parents, then I would just tease her cause I knew if I became her friend I wouldn't be able to resist.

It took a long time for us to finally be together.

And I'm still not sure if we really can stay together....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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