Chapter Thirteen

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Alice's POV:


How did I make a conscious decision to stay at home all day, with Jay, alone?

I'm an idiot.

But I'm happy.

I'm a happy idiot.
Earlier that morning
Jay's POV:

She is actually doing really good I'm impressed.

Pearl is hovered over her with a concerned look on her face as Alice holds her stomach with a raspy voice...

"I don't feel stomach hurts" she flinches as if in pain, "please don't make me go to school today..."

Pearl looks around as if the answer is somewhere around the room and I guess she finds it because she looks back at Alice nodding her head.

"Ok...that's fine. Do you need any medicine?"

"No I'll get it myself if I feel like really need it."

"Ok then sweetie. I'll see you when I get home."

And with that she leaves the bedroom.
Alice's POV:

Pearl has just left for work finally leaving me and Jay alone.

Do I feel relieved? No.

Do I feel excited? Yes.

I look over at Jay, who's beside me on my bed, and see him in deep thought. I'm confused for moment, but then he looks up and our eyes meet.

"Hey Alice.."


"Be honest with me. Have you ever"

My cheeks go bright red.


"Yes or no?"


My body gets hot all over and I bite my lip.

I feel myself begin to lean in to kiss him....

"This ho is calling! Your least favorite fucking ho is calling!" Begins to play on Jay's phone.

"You..should probably pick that up..."

"No thanks I'm good." He says hitting the cancel button on the phone.

"Who was that?"

"It doesn't matter now where were we?"

"Jay the ringtone has already ruined the moment and you know it. You might as well just tell me."

He looks away and, after a few seconds, lets out a long sigh.

"My mother."

That's right.... I never even questioned him on why he's here.....

"Don't. Start...asking, a ton of questions." He says as if he just read my mind.

Well ok then....

"Can I ask a few though?"

There's a long pause before he lets out a forced, "Fine..but I'm only going to answer as much as I want to."

"Ok.....Why did you come here?"

"Because Pearl was the first person to acknowledge me, on a bench, after my parents kicked me out of the house for being trans."


"What happened on your coming out day?"

"Well...I was coming out to a close friend, my best friend, that I was trans. I really thought he'd be okay with it, accept me, he had always known me as a male and never questioned it, I guess because I looked like a dude, but no. That night was the first day of many that I got sexually harassed. He told people at school and I got bullied like hell and you know my parents wouldn't help and most of the teachers didn't even treat me like a person. He somehow figured out who I liked, I don't know how though, I had liked her for around a year, but I had never told anybody. He told me he was going to take her from me, but he wasn't even planning on actually dating her he just wanted her virginity."

"And Nate.."

"Is the friend......and are the girl."

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