Burglar- l.h pt.1

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Awesome writer of this: lukesmutonly

"Ok, so you know how to contact us, no parties, no boys over, don't answer the door to anybody..." My mother rambled on, repeating a speech she had recited a thousand times. "I know, I know, I'll be fine!" I cut her off. "Ok honey, we'll be back in a couple of days" she said, kissing my forehead before leaving the house for the weekend. They did this every couple of months. Went on a romantic weekend getaway while I stayed home, doing pretty much nothing. It was bliss!

I spent the rest of the night dancing about the house shamelessly, because who doesn't when they're home alone. Catching up on TV and finishing some work. Before I knew it, it was 11 o'clock and I was starting to feel drowsy. I slumped up the stairs, into my room, slipping into my pyjamas before jumping into bed, snuggling into the king sized mattress contently. I was woken by an urgent need for the toilet, thank god it was right next to my bedroom. I sat on the toilet seat in a sleepy daze when I heard a faint, familiar sound. It sounded like floorboards creaking. Maybe it was next door, maybe I was hearing things. My mind contemplated all the possibilities for where the noise was coming from, until I heard it again.

My heart was in my mouth, I began shaking at the idea of someone else in the house. I needed to call the police or do something about it. Summoning all the courage I had, I tiptoed down the stairs. Darkness filled my house, but I had the advantage of knowing it like the back of my hand. I could hear rummaging in the living room which confirmed my fear that someone was here. There were two entrances to the kitchen, one was down the hall from the bottom of the stairs, the other was connected to the living room. I slid across the hardwood floor in my socks paying extra attention to making little noise. I quietly picked up a frying pan and grasped it with both hands, lifting it so that I was holding it above my shoulder, ready to swing. I stood by the door, where the living room met the kitchen, ready to attach. My heart was pounding at an unhealthy speed as I tried my best to steady out my breathing.

Moments of dread and panicking went by, until I finally heard footstep grow nearer. Thankfully I could make out that it was only one person. The footsteps grew louder until a tall, dark figure loomed through the door. Th second I saw the intruder, I panicked, swinging the utensil as hard as I could, crying out in a squeal of fear as I did so. I hit the figure hard at the side of the face. He stumbled back, gripping onto the counter before falling to the floor. Did I really just do that? Is he unconscious? Did I really just knock someone into unconsciousness? I felt good about myself, like a strong, independent woman, I felt like a goddess or Beyoncé or something.

I snapped myself out of my cocky thoughts when I realised that I had a 6 foot intruder lying on my floor. I rushed around the house trying to locate my phone, I cursed my parents for not investing in a landline phone. I finally found my phone laying beside the couch. Pressing the 'home' and 'on' button frantically just to find out that it was out of battery. I groaned in frustration as I tried to find a solution. I quickly plugged my phone into its charge, but of course it always takes at least 10 minutes for it to turn on, stupid iPhones! He could wake up at any minute and of course he could definitely overpower me, he was a big guy. I mean by the looks of him, he was slim, but very broad.
In my moment of panic, I decided to drag him unconscious body into the living room, running up to my room to grab the handcuffs buried at the bottom of my pantie draw, silently thanking my ex boyfriend for being so kinky! I sprinted back down the stairs, trying to control my shaking hands as I attached one cuff to the radiator and the other side to one of his wrists. My phone still hadn't turned on but I felt safer knowing I had the situation under control, sort of. I decided whilst I waited, I should really get a look at this guy. I turned on the light, seeing an angel in front of me. Oh wow, he was beautiful, why was he robbing people, surely he could just turn to modelling for money!

5sos smut from tumblrOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora