Royals- m.c pt.3

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A/N: every part of royals will be up tonight, and some 1d may be coming soon too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Awesome writer of this: bettsyveloso

"Your highness."

The words echoed through you, piercing your side with an electric shock. Those words were used with you in a manner of showing respect and courtesy, but coming from Michael's mouth, it was a dirty word, almost like an insult. His intention was clear when he no longer used your first name. He knew you no longer as the girl he met in the marketplace, but a snobby princess who lied and betrayed his trust.

"Leave him. I'll handle him myself." You heard yourself say to the guard at his side. Without further hesitation, the guard nodded politely and left the area.

As soon as he left, Michael stood up, wiping the grass stains and the little green blades that clung to his attire. His eyes would not meet yours.

"Michael, I can explain."

"Save your breath." He mumbles, adjusting the cap on his blonde head and putting his hand on the doorknob of the wooden gate.

"Michael, please." You pleaded, putting your hand on his shoulder.
You felt him tense, almost like he was considering it, but that was too good to be true. He sighs, slamming the door behind him, his rushed footsteps down the hill echoing on the grass outside, leaving you alone in the garden.

You didn't know you were crying until your back hit the wood and you felt yourself shrink to a sitting position as you drew your knees to your chest. Hot, fat tears made its way down your cheeks, clouding your vision and screams caught at your throat.

"Why?" You said to no one in particular, looking harshly at a little sunflower that grew by your feet.
You never knew why. All your life you had gotten everything you wanted. A nice home, people to look after you, nice clothes and delicious food at your dinner table, but the one time you find something you needed , it slipped away from your fingertips like water.

You kicked at the innocent flower and felt yourself collapse on the grass, fatigue overtaking your body and nausea seizing your head. You turned over to empty your stomach but nothing would come out. You gave up and collapsed on the grass beside you completely, letting the tears fall until your vision, once cloudy with sadness, turned black as night.

"Miss?" You heard a voice call from above you.

You slowly opened your eyes, squinting as sunlight poured in not through your bedroom window, but all around you. That's when reality hit you. You had fallen asleep in the garden.
"Miss? Are you alright?" The maidservant asked again.

You straightened up and rubbed your tired eyes. When your vision finally adjusted a bit, you saw your night dress dirty from the soil, little blades of grass clinging onto the linen. Your face itself looked ashen and your hair had leaves stuck in the strands. You must have looked a right lunatic being here alone. You hurriedly stood up and brushed the dust off, removing the leaves in your hair and wiping some off the dirt on your face with the sleeve of your dress.

"Quite." You answered although you felt a dark and bitter pang as the memories started rushing back, crashing around you like a wave. One thing was clear, you had to talk to Michael.

"Well, if you're well enough your highness, your parents are waiting for you in the dining room. It's time for your breakfast."


"Y/N, what happened?" your mom asked, rising from her chair as you entered.
She moved over to you and took a leaf out of your hair. "Have you been rolling around in the fields?"

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