Burglar- l.h pt.5

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Awesome writer of this: lukesmutonly

Another typical night in. Just me and Jeremy watching another movie with awkward cuddling and uncomfortable conversation, just like the night before and the night before that, and so on. Our relationship was not fun or exciting and I didn't even have feelings for Jeremy, but I hadn't the heart to tell him, especially after what I had done to him. I still hadn't told him about what occurred with myself and Luke 2 months ago and I was hoping to avoid telling him at all cost. Tonight we were watching a horror movie.

I wasn't keen on horror movies, but fond memories ran through my mind of the times I had watched them with Luke after he promised to keep me safe. The strange thing is, I've never felt safer than when I was in Luke's embrace, which makes me hate the fact that I left him because I claimed that he made me feel unsafe. Truth was, I knew Luke would protect me from anything but I wasn't sure he'd protect me from himself and I couldn't handle the pain of developing something with him, only to have it ripped away. So, I took the easy option, which was Jeremy.

"I'll sort the popcorn, there was knock at the door, you should get it" Jeremy suggested. I wandered over to the door wondering who it could be, it was 9pm and barely anyone but Jeremy and my parents knew where I lived. I swung the door open, my breath hitching and my heart stopping at the sight in front of me. "Hey babygirl" he spoke lowly, not an ounce of emotion in his voice or expression. He was cold, stone cold. My heart was now beating a mile a minute as I struggled to find words. "Wha...how?" I stuttered. He leaned his body against the doorframe, maintaining his emotionless composure.

"I got out early, on good behaviour" he started, peering nosily into my apartment, "I went to you parent's house, when you weren't there I approached your parents, told them I was an old friend of yours and they gave me your new address" he stated calmly. "Luke, you can't be here..." I started, getting cut off, "babe, who's at the door?" Jeremy appeared behind me as I panicked recklessly. Anger began to leak through Luke's calm, cool expression, his eyes narrowing slightly as his jaw clenched.

"Oh, just some guy looking for Ms.Jackson's apartment" I lied, even though it pained me to refer to Luke as just 'some guy'. "As I was saying, she lives downstairs" I continued with my lie, reaching to close the door and get this whole situation over with. "Wait!" Luke called, "I don't want to get lost again, could you walk me down?" He challenged, countering my lie with a one of his own. "Yeah, you should babe, I'll get the movie ready" Jeremy accepted on your behalf. Oh sweet, oblivious Jeremy, you have no idea. I hesitantly lead Luke to the elevator, disappearing inside it.

As soon as the cold metal door shut us inside, I was pressed up against the metallic wall of the elevators, my mouth covered with his own. I brought my hands up to his chest with every intention on pushing him away but just as I did, his arms circled around my torso. I couldn't find the strength to separate myself from him and I couldn't control myself from enjoying the embrace I'd missed so dearly. Our lips moved in a passionate, sinful dance which I knew I'd regret instantly.

Our lips reluctantly separated as the elevator came to a halt, the doors sliding open. His arms were still around me as he brought his mouth down to my ear. "I'll be back tomorrow night, make sure he isn't there" he whispered, spite lacing his voice when he reached the word 'he'.


I spent the next day regretting and feeling guilty about what had happened the night before and fretting about the night to come. After I returned to my apartment I had broken it off with Jeremy. I didn't leave him for Luke and I was still uncertain about what I was going to do with Luke. I still didn't have any plans to be in a relationship with either Jeremy or Luke, I just knew I couldn't trust myself to ever be faithful to Jeremy with Luke in the picture. It was around 8pm when I heard a heavy pounding at the door again. I didn't even have the opportunity to open the door fully before it was being barged open from the other side.

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